© Zypern-Institut

Candida Syndikus und Sabine Rogge (Hrsg.), "Caterina Cornaro – Last Queen of Cyprus and Daughter of Venice / Ultima regina di Cipro e figlia di Venezia"
Schriften des Instituts für Interdisziplinäre Zypern-Studien, vol. 9
(Münster: Waxmann Verlag, 2013) 

Caterina Cornaro (1454–1510) came from one of the most important Venetian families of her time and became the last queen of Cyprus. On the occasion of the fifth centenary of her death, an international conference was held in Venice in September 2010 – organised by the two editors of this volume. During that interdisciplinary event, well-known scholars from the fields of history, art history, literary history, archaeology, Byzantine studies and musicology presented the results of their most recent research across a broad subject area. The queen’s biography and myth were traced, as well as the reception of this historical figure in art and on stage. Stress was laid upon socioeconomic and cultural phenomena resulting from the close contact between Venice and Cyprus during the Renaissance period, and also in focus was the literary production at Caterina’s court ‘in exile’ in Venice and the neighbouring mainland. The present volume offers a collection of the conference’s papers (in Italian, English and French).


  • Monica Molteni
    Per l’iconografia cinquecentesca di Caterina Cornaro
  • Candida Syndikus
    Tra autenticità storica e invenzione romantica. L’immagine di Caterina Cornaro nella tradizione artistica e storico-artistica dell’Otto e Novecento
  • Martin Gaier
    Falconetto – Palladio – Contin. Tentativi di erigere un monumento alla regina nella Repubblica di Venezia
  • Ursula Schädler-Saub
    Indagini conoscitive per il restauro del Barco di Caterina Cornaro
  • Lina Bolzoni
    Gli Asolani di Pietro Bembo: Un ritratto doppio della corte, dell’amore, della poesia
  • Rotraud von Kulessa
    Gli Asolani di Pietro Bembo: Pratiche sociali e letterarie alle corte di Caterina Cornaro
  • Tobias Leuker
    La Venere di casa Cornelia. Giovanni d’Arezzo e le sue poesie per Caterina Cornaro
  • Daria Perocco
    Caterina e i suoi contemporanei. Annotazioni sulla presenza di Caterina Cornaro tra viaggiatori, storici e poeti
  • Benjamin Arbel
    A Fresh Look at the Venetian Protectorate of Cyprus (1474–89)
  • Gilles Grivaud
    Un règne sans fastes – Catherine Cornaro à travers les sources produites à Chypre
  • Catherine Otten-Froux
    Les Vénitiens à Famagouste au temps de la domination génoise sur la ville
  • Chryssa Maltezou
    Le donzelle cipriote di Caterina Cornaro dopo il ritorno della regina a Venezia
  • Tassos Papacostas
    An Exceptional Structure in a Conventional Setting: Preliminary Observations about the Katholikon of Saint Neophytos (Paphos, Cyprus)
  • Lorenzo Calvelli
    Un 'sarcofago imperiale' per l'ultimo re di Cypro
  • D. Michael Metcalf
    Revalidation of the currency in Venetian Cyprus.The curious episode of countermarking
  • Arnold Jacobshagen
    Staging the Queen – French grand opéra and five operatic portraits of Caterina Cornaro
  • Angel Nicolaou-Konnari
    Melodramatic Perceptions of History: Caterina Cornaro Goes to the Opera

447 pages hardcover, with numerous, partly coloured illustrations
ISBN 978-3-8309-2907-9
Price: 49,90 €
Publisher: Waxmann-Verlag
Online-Order [en]