Exhibitions, cultural events and other activities
Every now and then, the Institute organises cultural events which are related to Cyprus – or it functions as their co-organisers. Additionally, it organises exhibitions itself or is involved in some form in them. | ![]() |
- Exhibition "Zypern - drei Ausschnitte (Cyprus - three sections)" (17 June - 21 August 2016, Archäologisches Museum Münster)
Details [en] - Exhibition "Phoetry - When Words become Images" (11 -29 January 2016, Bezirksregierung Münster)
Details [de] - Photo exhibition "Nikosia - the wall" (3 - 29 May 2010, Stadtbücherei [Public Library])
Details [de] - Photo exhibition “Zypern – Menschen und Lebensformen” [Cyprus – People and Lifestyles], 4 photographers from Cyprus (12 June – 13 July 2006, Public Library Münster).
Details [de] - Exhibition “Wissenschaft auf Reisen – Forschung im Transfer” [Science on the Road – Research in Transfer], (15 October – 14 November 2004, Airport Münster/Osnabrück).
Details [de] - Exhibition “Vergangenes bewahren- Zukunft sichern” [Preserving the past, securing the future], (24 June – 10 July 1998, Brussels).
Details [de] - Exhibition of ancient maps of Cyprus from a private collection (30 May 1997, Münster).
Details [en]
Concerts and other cultural events
- Theatre perfomance „Othello’s Revenge“ – presented by the British theatre group „Altitude North“ from Leeds (17 April 2011, Münster)
Details [de] - Concert „Zyprische Musik für Violine und Klavier – zwischen Klassik, Filmmusik und Ethnojazz“ [Cypriot music for violin and piano – between classical music, film music and ethnojass], Stavros Lantsias, Savvas Savva and Miltiades Papastamou (24 April 2009, Münster)
Details [en] - „Besungenes Zypern“ [Singing about Cyprus] – Music and texts from the Middle Ages until today presented by Kostas Charalambidis (vocals/recitation), Lia Vissi (vocals) and Savvas Savva (piano) (13 April 2008, Münster)
Details [de] - Theatre performance EROTOKRITOS – presented by the theatre workshop of the University of Cyprus (26th April, 2007, Münster).
Details [de] - Puppetry Aristo-funny: Homer’s Odyssey (5th November, 2006, Münster).
Details [de] - Concert in Münster's Erbdrostenhof: Eleni and Eugenia Kanthou (Vocals/Guitar) with songs from Cyprus, Greece and Germany (27th October, 2006, Münster).
Details [de] - Concert “Musik der vergessenen Stadt Famagusta” (Music from the forgotten city of Famagusta), Andreas Georgiou – and – exhibition “Travelling-Light-Pictures”, Karya Barbara Wedel (28th October, 2001, Münster).
Details [de] - Concert of the Cypriot band “Michalis Tterlikkas” (12th December, 1998, Münster).
Details [de]
Other activities
- Fifth Political Get-together
Lecture by Professor Hubert Faustmann (University of Nicosia, Zypern) "Gibt es neue Chancen für die Einheit Zyperns?" [Are there new chances for a reunited Cyprus?]
18 October 2014, Münster
Event organised in cooperation with the German-Cypriot Forum - Forth Political Get-together
"Die politische Kultur in Zypern und die Europäische Union" [Cyprus' political culture and the Island's relationship with the European Union]
Saturday, 30 June 2012, 10.30 h
Lecture by Prof. Heinz A. Richter, University of Mannheim: „Anmerkungen zur politischen Kultur Zyperns“ [Remarks concerning the political culture in Cyprus]
Discussion Panel
Eckart Kuhlwein, Chairman of the German-Cypriot Forum (DZF)
Agni Hassabi, Vice Chairwoman of the DZF, Berlin
Dr. Christoph Ramm, Assistent for Turkish Studies (University of Bern), Member of the board of the DZF
Jerry Sommer, Publicist and peace researcher, Düsseldorf, Member of the advisory board of the DZF
Event organised in cooperation with the German-Cypriot Forum - Third Political Get-together
"Zypern sechs Jahre nach dem EU-Beitritt - auf dem Weg zur Wiedervereinigung?" [Cyprus six years after the accession to the EU - going to be reunited?]
Saturday, 26 June 2010, 11:00 h, Münster
Papers on the present political situation in Cyprus presented by Mechtild Rothe (Vice-President of the European Parliament ret.) and on the multiple connections between Cyprus, the European Union and Turkey presented by Prof. Dr. Hubert Faustmann (University of Nicosia).
Event organised in cooperation with the German-Cypriot Forum - Second Political Get-together
„Eine Chance für Zypern? Klerides und Denktaş in direkten Gesprächen“ [A chance for Cyprus? Direct talks between Clerides and Denktaş]
9 June 2002, Münster
Two members of the German parliament, Renate Rennebach and Winfried Nachtwei, presented a closer look at the political situation in Cyprus, at a time, when direct talks between Glafcos Clerides und Rauf Denktaş had started.
Event organised in cooperation with the German-Cypriot Forum - First Political Get-together
“Zypern – Reise in ein geteiltes Land. Bericht über Begegnungen in beiden Teilen der Mittelmeerinsel“ [Cyprus – Travelling in a divided country. Report on meetings in both parts of the Mediterranean island]
29 April 2001, Münster
Eckart Kuhlwein and Monika Berg, both members of the German-Cypriot Forum, talked about two travels in the southern and the northern part of the island – especially about meetings with representatives of the civil society.
Event organised in cooperation with the German-Cypriot Forum
- Book presentation: new publications on Cyprus by the publishing house Bibliopolis (30 November, 2006, Münster).