Strategic funding instruments

  • Ideas Lab

    The exploration of particularly innovative and potentially groundbreaking research ideas that fundamentally challenge established theories, potentially enrich research branches through unconventional hypotheses, methodologies, or technological innovations, or focus on entirely new research directions for the first time, is rarely made possible through the established national and international third-party funding opportunities. In order to stimulate and promote such projects at the University of Münster, the internal funding line "Ideas Lab" was established. Following the strategic triad of research, teaching, and transfer, the Ideas Lab will not only promote fundamentally new, creative, and innovative research projects during the explorative project start-up phase but also support outstanding innovative projects in teaching and transfer.

    The Ideas Lab is open to all researchers at the University of Münster, starting from the postdoc level, who wish to explore a fundamentally new, creative, and innovative project idea in the fields of research, education, or knowledge transfer. During an exploratory phase participants are provided with the opportunity to obtain initial indications regarding the feasibility of their concept or its adaptability for educational or transfer purposes. 

    You can find a list of all currently funded projects here.

    The next call for proposals for this funding line is expected to be published in 2025. 

  • Topical Programmes/Science Incubator

    The Topical Programmes are devoted to exploring the research focuses of the future at the University of Münster and possibilities for initiating large-scale, joint research projects. With these programmes, the University aims to strengthen ties to external researchers and other university and non-university research institutes, and so doing, promote international collaboration. The Rectorate is currently funding fourteen topical programmes.

    In addition to workshops, a wide range  of other formats and concepts are eligible for funding provided they are suitable to advance the project. The maximum grant of 40.000 € can be used according to need.

    Applications for topical program projects can be submitted continuously as there is no fixed deadline. Interested researchers are invited to forward their proposals based on the template to The rectorate will make a decision regarding the funding within three months. The decision will be based on an external review as well as a recommendation of the Rectorate Research Council.

    Advanced Topical Programmes are awarded subsequent, needs-based funding in the Science Incubator, in which applicants receive assistance with drafting their proposals.


    Dr. Corinna Lenhardt
    T: +49 251 83-22332

  • Promotion of EU research initiatives

    The University of Münster provides conceptual, organisational and financial support to EU research projects coordinated at the University.

    Grant proposal advice for EU-funded research and educational projects

    Several University of Münster facilities are responsible for handling matters related to EU-funded research and educational projects.
    You can find an overview here, as well as links to the corresponding contact partners.

    Seed funding for EU project proposals (Seed funding EU)

    With its programme Seed Funding EU, the Rectorate of the University of Münster supports academics who enhance the visibility of the University in the area of EU-funded research. Seed funding is available to those preparing Münster University-coordinated EU consortium proposals and project proposals for MSCA consortia. The aim of (pre-award) seed funding is to offer academics the best possible prerequisites for submitting high-quality proposals and thereby increase their chances of success. Additional (post-award) bonuses are available to successful coordinators of EU-funded projects.

    More information on the website of the Centre for Europe


  • Strategic measures for promoting early-career researchers

    In competition for the best and brightest academics in the world, the University of Münster is committed to promoting early-career researchers and retaining outstanding researchers in the long term. The University understands that it has the opportunity, responsibility and obligation to identify the best minds in science and enable them to gain (further) qualification. Consequently, the University of Münster offers a wide range of attractive opportunities for pursuing academic careers which take into account the heterogenous career paths and diverse living circumstances of national and international high-potential candidates.

    International Young Faculty Tenure Track Programme (IYFTTP)

    The aim of this programme is to establish well-equipped and well-financed junior research groups to help attract especially talented junior researchers from Germany and abroad who will potentially strengthen the identified profile and potential areas of the University. Applications to the Rectorate-funded IYFTTP can be submitted any time via the Human Resources department.


    Katja Graßl
    T: +49 251 83-21402

    Vice-Rector Prof. Dr Maike Tietjens
    T: +49 251 83-22214

    Establishment of W1 associate professorships with tenure track

    The University of Münster is working to implement across-the-board W1 tenure track associate professorships. It also aims to increase the transparency and predictability of career paths for post-doctoral junior researchers, enabling them to decide earlier whether to continue pursuing a career in academia.

    Between 2020 and 2022, the Rectorate supported the establishment of 12 tenure-track associate professorships, and from 2023 to 2025, another ten associate professorships with tenure track are planned.


    Katja Graßl
    Tel. +49 251 83-21402

    Vice-Rector Prof. Dr Maike Tietjens
    Tel: +49 251 83-22214

    Support for self-established junior research groups and associate professorships

    The University of Münster provides organisational and financial support to junior research group leaders who begin as academically and organisationally independent members of the group of professors. They are granted a budget to cover expenses for materials and equipment which ensures the financial independence of their junior research group for the duration of the project period. Junior research groups are regarded as independent organisational units at Münster University. The University actively supports junior research group leaders with developing their personal career perspectives following the conclusion of their externally-funded project. These measures include career counselling and coaching, as well as concrete personnel development seminars like the Young Professors Programme (YPP).

    Contact for junior research group leaders

    Helga Soer-Sodmann
    T: +49 251 83-21480

    Contact for the faculties

    Katja Graßl
    T: +49 251 83-21402

    Vice-Rector Prof. Dr Maike Tietjens
    T: +49 251 83-22214