Neues Buch: Handbook of the Behavioral Neurobiology of Serotonin

Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience Six Volumes: NEU: Volume 21, Pages 3-818 (2010) Handbook of the Behavioral Neurobiology of Serotonin NEU: Volume 20, Pages 3-693 (2010) Handbook of Basal Ganglia Structure and Function NEU: Volume 19, Pages 3-526 (2010) Handbook of Mammalian VocalizationAn Integrative Neuroscience Approach Volume 18, Pages 1-634 (2008) Handbook of Episodic Memory. Volume […]

Neues Buch: Handbook of Basal Ganglia Structure and Function

Handbook of Basal Ganglia Structure and Function Six Volumes: NEU: Volume 21, Pages 3-818 (2010) Handbook of the Behavioral Neurobiology of Serotonin NEU: Volume 20, Pages 3-693 (2010) Handbook of Basal Ganglia Structure and Function NEU: Volume 19, Pages 3-526 (2010) Handbook of Mammalian VocalizationAn Integrative Neuroscience Approach Volume 18, Pages 1-634 (2008) Handbook of […]

Klinikleitfäden-App: Gutscheine für Notarzt-Leitfaden

Seit kurzem hat der Elsevier-Urban & Fischer-Verlag seine Buchserie Klinikleitfäden auch als App für iPhone und Android zur Verfügung gestellt. Bei den Klinikleitfäden handelt es sich um praxisnahe und alltagerprobte Reference Works, die unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Leitlinien erstellt werden – also eine ideale Informationsquelle für das schnelle Nachschlagen unterwegs. Die App kann gratis heruntergeladen […]

Neues Online-Buch: Addiction Neuroethics

Addiction Neuroethics: The Ethics of Addiction Neuroscience Research and Treatment Adrian Carter, Wayne Hall, Judy Illes ISBN: 978-0-12-385973-0, Elsevier 2012 Research increasingly suggests that addiction has a genetic and neurobiological basis, but efforts to translate research into effective clinical treatments and social policy needs to be informed by careful ethical analyses of the personal and […]

JAMA verteuert sich um das Sechsfache

Heftige Preiserhöhungen sind nichts Neues in der Verlagsbranche. Die ZB Med hatte bereits wiederholt über deftige Preissprünge bei Zeitschriften wie Pediatrics (PDF) oder dem NEJM berichtet. Diese Praktiken sind weit verbreitet und lassen Verleger als ausgewiesene Profitgeier erscheinen, wie zuletzt der Guardian in einem vielbeachteten Artikel schrieb: Academic Publishers Make Murdoch Look Like a Socialist, […]

Neues Online-Buch: Space, Time and Number in the Brain

Space, Time and Number in the Brain ISBN: 978-0-12-385948-8 Elsevier 2011 The study of mathematical cognition and the ways in which the ideas of space, time and number are encoded in brain circuitry has become a fundamental issue for neuroscience. How such encoding differs across cultures and educational level is of further interest in education […]

Neues Online-Buch: RNA Methodologies

RNA Methodologies (Fourth Edition): A Laboratory Guide for Isolation and Characterization Author(s): Robert E. Farrell, Jr., Ph.D ISBN: 978-0-12-374727-3 Elsevier 2010 This is the fourth edition of the successful laboratory guide which has translated the rich story of riboneucleic acid for over fifteen years. RNA Methodologies 4e presents the latest collection of tested laboratory protocols […]

Neues Online-Buch: A Pharmacology Primer

A Pharmacology Primer (Third Edition): Theory, Applications, and Methods Author(s): Terry P. Kenakin, Ph.D. 416 Seiten, Elsevier 2009, ISBN: 978-0-12-374585-9 This successful Guide assists scientists trained in molecular biology and related fields who now need to know the basic theories, principles and practical applications of pharmacology. This latest edition continues the tradition of better preparing […]

Neues Online-Buch: Medicinal Chemistry of Anticancer Drugs

Medicinal Chemistry of Anticancer Drugs Author(s): Carmen Avendaño and J. Carlos Menéndez ISBN: 978-0-444-52824-7 Copyright © 2008 Elsevier B.V. Antitumour chemotherapy is nowadays a very active field of research, and a huge amount of information on the topic is generated every year. Although many books are available that deal with clinical aspects of cancer chemotherapy, […]

Neues Online-Buch: Matlab for Neuroscientists

Matlab for Neuroscientists Author(s): Pascal Wallisch, Michael Lusignan, Marc Benayoun, Tanya I. Baker, Adam S. Dickey and Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos ISBN: 978-0-12-374551-4, Copyright © 2009 Elsevier Inc. Matlab is the accepted standard for scientific computing, used globally in virtually all Neuroscience and Cognitive Psychology laboratories. For instance, SPM, the most used software for the analysis […]

Neues Online-Buch: Fret and Flim Techniques

Laboratory Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Volume 33: Fret and Flim Techniques Elsevier 2009. Edited by: T.W.J. Gadella. ISBN: 9780080549583. 534 Seiten The books in this well established series LABORATORY TECHNIQUES IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY cover all aspects of laboratory work in biochemistry and molecular biology. Each volume provides sufficient information for laboratory […]

Neues Online-Buch: Introduction to Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback

Introduction to Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback (Second Edition): Advanced Theory and Applications 2009 Elsevier Inc., Author(s): Thomas H. Budzynski, PhD, Helen Kogan Budzynski, PhD, RN, James R. Evans, PhD, and Andrew Abarbanel, MD. ISBN: 978-0-12-374534-7 The study of Quantitative EEGs and Neurofeedback offer a window into brain physiology and function via computer and statistical analyses, […]