RefWorks für Alumnis


Die Benutzung von RefWorks ist nun auch für Alumni möglich, wie RefWorks bereits Ende September bekannt gab (PDF). Das bedeutet für die bisherigen Nutzer, dass ihre gesammelten Literaturstellen nicht verloren gehen, sondern dass sie auch nach dem Ausscheiden aus der Universität RefWorks weiter benutzen können – solange die Universität RefWorks subskribiert.

RefWorks-COS announced today that it has made its Alumni Program a standard feature for the more than 1,200 universities currently subscribing to RefWorks. This means that any current or past student at a RefWorks-subscribing university can continue to use or begin to use the service for as long as that academic institution subscribes.

Researchers at all levels, from undergraduates to post-doctorates, use RefWorks to gather and manage research information. Over the course of undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate studies, they build significant personal research databases that prove valuable in their future professional and academic endeavors. The Alumni Program allows them to continue to use their personal research databases, store and share all types of information, generate bibliographies, and use all the other beneficial features of RefWorks.