Compliance Representative of the University of Münster

Prof. Dr.  Theresia Theurl
© Uni MS - Roman Mensing
Prof. Dr. Theresia Theurl
Room 66a
Schlossplatz 2
48149 Münster
T: +49 251-83 21203
Consultation hours: by appointment

The Compliance Representative advises the Rectorate on matters concerning the strategic development of compliance structures at the University of Münster so as to enhance their preventative efficacy and avoid regulatory violations.

As the expert supervisor of the Compliance Office, which was established as a service facility to assist employees with compliance issues, the Compliance Representative works to anchor and raise awareness of the topic of compliance in all areas of the University.

Education and academic career


Ann-Kathrin Bilda
© Uni MS - Peter Leßmann
Ann-Kathrin Bilda
Managing director
Compliance Office
Room 66b
Schlossplatz 2
48149 Münster
T: +49 251 83-21202