
Transpose - Transfer of Electricity Saving Policies

TRANSPOSE examines electricity saving potentials in private households.
The project association is based upon the very question why existing electricity saving potentials are so rarely exhausted. We assume that there are plenty of barriers which can be found on both the individual consumer and the consumer environment level (electricity suppliers, appliance manufacturers, retail, etc.). Due to the complexity of these barriers, there is a substantial need to mix political instruments.

  • identifying the most effective political instruments for facilitating electricity efficient behaviour on both levels of investigation,
  • understanding their effects,
  • analysing the conditions under which conditions they can be transferred to Germany and
  • offering impulses for concrete political action.

We look at examples of good practice from abroad, in order to identify effective political instruments. TRANSPOSE is working in an inter-disciplinary manner, which helps to examine their effectiveness. Coming from behavioural psychology and sociology, we combine a macro-comparative quantitative policy-analysis and micro-level case studies to make sure that the existing policy instruments are really able to reduce electricity consumption in the household sector.
Transfer means that the options for applying such policies in Germany are investigated. By including consultations with relevant stake-holders we develop policy strategies which fit into the German context. In doing so, we set strong impulses for policy innovations in Germany.

TRANSPOSE is a project association joint-coordinated by the Institut für Politikwissenschaft at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster and the Forschungstelle für Umweltpolitik at the Freie Universität Berlin. Further project partners are the Öko-Institut e.V., the Universität Kassel and the Universität Konstanz. TRANSPOSE is closely working together with its practice partners, the Verbraucherzentrale NRW, the Northern Alliance for Sustainability (ANPED) and the Wittenberg Zentrum für Global Ethik.

TRANSPOSE is sponsored by:

Bmbf Soef