Oberseminar Topologie (SS 2024)

Oberseminar Topologie SS 2024

Date: Wed, 4:30–5:30 pm, room: M4

The seminar is organised by Michael Weiss

Datum Vortragende(r) Titel


(14 Uhr, M6)

Rune Haugseng, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Equivariant ring spectra and homotopical Tambara functors
10.04.2024 Dr. Guy Boyde, Universiteit Utrecht Stable isomorphisms for homology of algebras
17.04.2024 Gong-Show

There will be 8 speakers, each will have 5 minutes for a blackboard talk and 2 minutes to answer 1-2 questions from the audience. The line-up and titles are follows:

1. Arthur Bartels: K-theory of Hecke algebras
2. Konrad Bals: The Topological Cartier--Raynaud Ring
3. Johannes Ebert: Tautological classes and higher signatures
4. Robert Szafarczyk: Number rings over the sphere spectrum
5. Edith Hübner: Animated lambda-rings and Frobenius lifts
6. Michael Weiss: The diffeomorphism group of an exotic sphere
7. Devarshi Mukherjee: Bivariant homotopy algebraic K-theory
8. Thomas Nikolaus: Maps between spherical group rings

24.04.2024 Alexis Aumonier, Cambridge UK Stable cohomology of moduli of smooth hypersurfaces
08.05.2024 Paula Truöl, MPIM Bonn 3-braid knots with maximal 4-gen
15.05.2024 No lecture  
29.05.2024 Eva Belmont, Case Western Reserve University

A deformation of Borel-complete equivariant homotopy theory

05.06.2024 Andrea Bianchi, MPIM Bonn String topology and graph cobordisms
12.06.2024 Claudius Zibrowius, Bochum Khovanov homology and Conway mutation
19.06.2024 Thor Wittich, HHU Düsseldorf

From Operations on Milnor-Witt K-theory to Motivic Knot Invariants

26.06.2024 Devarshi Mukherjee, Uni Münster Overconvergent rings and cyclic homology
03.07.2024 Jan Steinebrunner, University of Copenhagen

Moduli spaces of 3-manifolds with boundary are finite

Tuesday 09.07.2024, 16:00 !!!

(SRZ 216/17)

Dr. Irakli Patchkoria (University of Aberdeen) Chromatic congruences and Bernoulli numbers
17.07.2024 Luuk Stehouwer (Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada) Higher Dagger Categories and Unitary Topological Quantum Field Theory