A picture of Anita Judit Grossmann
© Anita Grossmann

Anita Judit Grossmann

Animal Ecology Research Group
Institute of Landscape Ecology
Heisenbergstr. 2, D-48149 Münster
Raum 540
e-mail anita.grossmann@uni-muenster.de




  • Publications

    Grossmann, A.  J., Herrmann, J., Buchholz, S., & Gathof, A. K. (2022). Dry grassland within the urban matrix acts as favourable habitat for different pollinators including endangered species. Insect Conservation and Diversity 16(1), 97–109.

    Gathof, A. K., Grossmann, A.  J., Herrmann, J., & Buchholz, S. (2022). Who can pass the urban filter? A multi-taxon approach to disentangle pollinator trait–environmental relationships. Oecologia 199, 165–179.

    Rakosy, D., Motivans, E., Ştefan, V., Nowak, A., Świerszcz, S., Feldmann, R., …, Grossmann, A., …, Knight, T. M. (2022). Intensive grazing alters the diversity, composition and structure of plant-pollinator interaction networks in Central European grasslands. PLOS ONE 17(3), e0263576.

    Buchholz, S., Gathof, A. K., Grossmann, A. J., Kowarik, I. & Fischer, L. K. (2020). Wild bees in urban grasslands: Urbanisation, functional diversity and species traits. Landscape and Urban Planning 196, 103731.

    Gathof, A. K., Grossmann, A. J. & Buchholz, S. (2019). Wildbienen (Hymenoptera: Apidae) auf Berliner Trockenrasen. Märkische Entomologische Nachrichten 21(1), 140–162.

    Hand, R., Grossmann, A. & Lauterbach, D. (2017). Endemics and their common congener plant species on an East Mediterranean island: a comparative functional trait approach. Plant Ecology 218, 139–150.