Great start to the TReND Doctoral Network!

The TReND Doctoral Network has successfully commenced its activities with a virtual kick-off meeting on March 6th hosted by the coordinators at the University of Münster. During this meeting important topics for the successful launch of the network were discussed. This included the formation of  the Supervisory Board, which will be the key decision making body within the TReND consortium. The next big step for TReND is the recruitment of 12 doctoral candidates, which are expected to start between September and November 2024 and will each work towards their Ph.D. by carrying out an individual research project within TReND.

The following TReND members were part of the virtual kick-off: 

  • Prof. Claudia Voelcker-Rehage, Dr. Julian Rudisch & Stephanie Fröhlich (University of Münster, Coordinator & Beneficiary)
  • Prof. Dr. Jean-Jacques Temprado (Aix-Marseille University, France, Beneficiary)
  • Prof. Dr. Nerrolyn Ramstrand & Prof. Dr. Dido Green (Jönköping University, Sweden, Beneficiary)
  • Prof. Dr. Jason Friedman (Tel Aviv University, Israel, Beneficiary)
  • Prof. Dr. Hilde Feys & Dr. Lisa Mailleux (KU Leuven, Belgium, Beneficiary)
  • Prof. Dr. Richard van Wezel (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands, Beneficiary)
  • Prof. Dr. Ernst-Joachim Hossner (University of Bern, Associated Partner with SERI funding)
  • Dr. Marco Davare, Dr. Crina Grosan & Dr. Verity McClelland (King’s College London, United Kingdom, Associated Partner with UKRI funding)
  • Prof. Dr. Katrijn Klingels (Hasselt University, Belgium, Associated Partner)
  • Mohammad Amro (LIME medical GmbH, Germany, Associated Partner)

You can find out more about all involved researchers and partners here.