"Angewandte Mathematik und Informatik"

CWI 28.8;1995,210 bedeutet Nummer 210 in der Liste 28.8 (Vol. 28, Ausgabe Nr. 8) der Acquistion Reports, veröffentlicht vom Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatika (CWI) in Amsterdam (Niederlande)

1/95 - I M. Groß-Hardt: Objektorientierte Datenmodellierung in Entwurfs-
CWI 23.2, 1995; 952
2/95 - I G. Vossen: WASA: A Workflow-Based Architecture to Support
Scientific Database Applications.
CWI 23.2, 1995; 968
3/95 - S J. Gebhard: Algorithmen zur Bestimmung des kritischen Bereichs
von Permutationstests.
CWI 23.3-4, 1995; 375
4/95 - N F. Wübbeling: Das direkte und das inverse Streuproblem
bei fester Frequenz.
5/95 - I C. Fahrner, G. Vossen: Formale Transformationsverfahren für ein
rechnergestütztes Datenbankentwurfsystem
CWI 23.6; 1995; 1055
6/95 - S G. Alsmeyer, U. Rösler: The Bisexual Galton-Watson Process
with Promiscuous Mating: Extinction Probabilities in the
Supercritical Case

CWI 23.3-4; 1995; 348
7/95 - S F. Harten: Difference prophet inequalities for the bounded
i.i.d. case, with costs for observations.
CWI 23.3-4; 1995; 382
8/95 - S J. Gebhard: Permutationstests vs. klassische Verfahren. Ein
finiter Gütevergleich
CWI 23.3-4; 1995; 376
9/95 - S G. Alsmeyer: Superposed Renewal Processes: A Markov Renewal
CWI 23.3-4; 1995; 349
10/95 - I W.-M. Lippe, Th. Feuring, Th. Büscher: A Fuzzy-Neural Network
Based on the Backpropagation Algorithm.
CWI 23.3-4; 1995; 1077
11/95 - I C. Fahrner, G. Vossen: Transforming Relational Database Schemas
into Object-Oriented Schemas according to ODMG-93.
CWI 23.5; 1995; 857
12/95 - I W.-M. Lippe, Th. Feuring, L. Mischke: Supervised Learning in
Fuzzy Neural Networks.
CWI 23.5; 1995; 869
13/95 - I D. Laurent, N. Spyratos, G. Vossen: Optimization and Serializability
of Update Transactions in Marked Databases.
CWI 23.5; 1995; 866
14/95 - N A. Klawonn: An Optimal Preconditioner for a Class of Saddle
Point Problems with a Penalty Term, Part II: General Theory.
15/95 - I L. Becker, K. Hinrichs, A. Voigtmann: An Object-Oriented Data
Model and a Query Language for Geographic Information Systems.
CWI 23.5; 1995; 894
16/95 - I J. Ebert, G. Vossen: I-Serializability: Generalized Correctness
for Transaction-Based Environments.
CWI 23.5; 1995; 856
17/95 - I G. Vossen: Old and New Models for Database Transactions.
CWI 23.5; 1995; 895
18/95 - I J. Doellner, K. Hinrichs: Geometric, Chronological, and Behavioral
CWI 23.7; 1995; 1103
19/95 - I J. Doellner, K. Hinrichs: The Virtual Rendering System - a Toolkit for
Object-Oriented 3D-Graphics.
CWI 23.7; 1995; 1104
20/95 - I D. Lammers: A Study on Dynamic Load Balancing Systems.
21/95 - S F. Harten: Prophetenregionen bei zeitlichen Bewertungen im unab-
hängigen Fall. CWI 23.8; 1995; 210
22/95 - S F. Harten: Remark on ''A difference prophet inequality for bounded
i.i.d. variables, with cost for observations''
23/95 - I J. Meidanis, G. Vossen, M. Weske: Using Workflow Management in
DNA Sequencing. CWI 24.1-2; 1996; 1235

Jens Ameskamp (