"Angewandte Mathematik und Informatik"

CWI 28.8;1995,210 bedeutet Nummer 210 in der Liste 28.8 (Vol. 28, Ausgabe Nr. 8) der Acquistion Reports, veröffentlicht vom Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatika (CWI) in Amsterdam (Niederlande)

1/94- I W.-M. Lippe, Th. Feuring, R. Hohenstein: Klassifizierung neuromagnetischer Feldmuster mit einem Fuzzy ARTMAP-Netzwerk
2/94 - I Th. Feuring: Neuronale Fuzzy Netze - Eine Einführung -
3/94 - I W.-M. Lippe, Th. Feuring, A. Jankrift: Klassifizierung neuromagnetischer Feldmuste unter Verwendung eines Cascade-Correlation Netzes.
CWI 22.2, 1994; 1101
4/94 - N K. Malanowski, H. Maurer: Sensitivity Analysis for Parametric Control Problems with Control-State Constraints.
5/94 - S K. Meyer, N. Schmitz: Computing some characteristics of sequentially planned Sobel-Wald tests.
CWI 22.6; 1994;409
6/94 - I M. Weske: Event-Based Modeling of Distributed Deadlock Algorithms.
CWI 22.6; 1994; 1088
7/94 - I L. Becker, K. Hinrichs, A. Voigtmann: A Hierarchical Model for Multiresolution Surface Reconstruction.
CWI 22.4; 1994; 683
8/94 - S S. Graf, H. Luschgy: Consistent Estimation in the Quantization Problem for Random Vectors.
CWI 22.4; 1994; 156
9/94 - I A. Brinkmann, Th. Graf, K. Hinrichs: The colored quadrant priority search tree with an application to the all-nearest-foreign-neighbors problem.
CWI 22.6; 1994; 932
10/94 - I Th. Graf, K. Hinrichs: Distribution algorithms for the all- nearest-foreign-neighbors problem in arbitrary-metrics.
CWI 22.6; 1994; 967
11/94 - I G. Vossen: Database Theory: An Introduction.
CWI 22.6; 1994; 1086
12/94 - I D. Lammers: Untersuchungen zur Optimierung der Auswertungsgeschwindigkeit eines MOM-Knotens.
13/94 - I M. Weske: Survey of the Relationship between Human Genome Project and Computer Science.
14/94 - I C. Fahrner, G. Vossen: A Survey of Database Design Transformations Based on the Entity-Relationship Model.
CWI 23.1; 1995; 918
15/94 - I J. Ebert, G. Vossen: Object Configurations in Software-Engineering Databases.
CWI 23.1; 1995; 916
16/94 - S S. Graf, H. Luschgy: Foundations of Quantization for Random Vectors.
CWI 23.1; 1995; 474
17/94 - I W. Golubski, W.-M. Lippe: Object-Oriented Type Inference by Type Binding Analysis.
CWI 23.1; 1995; 795
18/94 - I D. Lammers: MOM2 Technical Documentation and Users Guide.
CWI 23.1; 1995; 738
19/94 - N A. Klawonn: An Optimal Preconditioner for a Class of Saddle Point Problems With a Penalty Term.
CWI 23.1; 1995; 633
20/94 - S J. Gebhard: Zur Optimalität von Permutationstests.
CWI 23.1; 1995; 307

Jens Ameskamp (