Former Workgroups
Publications Marcel Ortgiese
Intermittency for branching random walk in Pareto environment
with Matthew I. Roberts. Annals of Probability, 44(3): 2198-2263, 2016.
The scaling limit of the interface of the continuous-space
symbiotic branching model
with Jochen Blath and Matthias Hammer. Annals of Probability,
44(2): 807-866, 2016.
The largest strongly connected component in the cyclical pedigree model of Wakeley et al.
with Jochen Blath and Stephan Kadow.
Theoretical Population Biology, 98: 28-37, 2014. [Prepint@arXiv:1405.7276]
Robust analysis of preferential
attachment models with fitness
with Steffen Dereich. Combinatorics, Probability and Computing,
23 (03): 386-411, 2014.
- The near-critical scaling window for directed polymers on disordered trees
with Tom Alberts.
Electronic Journal of Probability, 18, Article 19, 2013.
Moments of recurrence times for Markov chains
with Frank Aurzada, Hanna Döring, Michael Scheutzow. Electronic Communications in Probability, 16:296-303, 2011.
Ageing in the parabolic Anderson model
with Peter Mörters, Nadia Sidorova. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré: Probab. et Stat., 47(4): 969-1000, 2011.
Minimal supporting subtrees for the free energy of polymers on disordered trees
with Peter Mörters. Journal of Mathematical Physics 49, 2008 (abstract).
Small value probabilities via the branching tree heuristic
with Peter Mörters. Bernoulli, 14(1): 277-299, 2008.
PhD Thesis
- Stochastic processes in random environment
PhD, University of Bath, 2009.
Universität Münster
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