Maria Pupynina
© Maria Pupynina

Maria Pupynina

Maria Pupynina is now working on the research project "Small-scale multilingualism and language mixing in the Lower Kolyma Tundra". In the beginning of her career she worked on the Chukchi language, studying its grammar and distribution. She received her PhD in 2012, and in 2014 started her work with Lower Kolyma Chukchi and other indigenous languages of the Lower Kolyma region.

  • Professional career

    2021 Visiting Research Fellow, Collegium for Advanced studies, Helsinki
    2011-2021 Research Fellow, Institute for linguistic studies, St. Petersburg


  • Research Focus

    Small-scale multilingualism
    Language contact
    Indigenous languages of Siberia
  • Research grants and awards

    2021 Kone foundation scholarship (fellowship in Helsinki)
    2016 Grant of Chukotka foundation "Kupol" (publication of Chukchi-Russian dictionary)
    2008 Field trip grant of Scientific center of Russian Academy of Sciences "Chukchi language field grammar studies"


  • Publications

    2021 Pupynina, M. 2021. Linguistic fieldwork among the Chukchi. In: Strategies for Knowledge Elicitation. The Experience of the Russian School of Field Linguistics (eds. Tatiana B. Agranat, Leyli R. Dodykhudoeva). Springer, 129-142.
    2021 Pupynina M. & Aralova, N. 2021. Lower Kolyma multilingualism: Historical setting and sociolinguistic trends. International Journal of Bilingualism. Special issue ‘Typology of small-scale multilingualism’, 25 (4),  1081 – 1101
    2021 Pupynina, M. 2021. Linguistic fieldwork among the Chukchi. In:  Strategies for Knowledge Elicitation. The Experience of the Russian School of Field Linguistics (eds. Tatiana B. Agranat, Leyli R. Dodykhudoeva). Springer, 2021, 129-142.
    2020 Pupynina, Maria, 2020. Multilingualism in the Lower Kolyma Region. International Journal of Eurasian Linguistics 2(1), 149-157.
    2020 Pupynina, Maria, Aralova, Natalia, & Koryakov, Yuri. 2020. Geografiya mnogoyazychiya narodov Kolymsko-Alazeyskoy tundry v kontse XIX-nachale XX veka. Chast’ 2. Evenskiy yazyk. Eveny i ikh kontakty s sosedyami. [Geography of multilingualism of peoples of Kolyma-Alazeya tundra in the late 19th to the early 20th centuries. Part 2. Even language. Evens and their contacts with the neighbors.]. Tomskiy zhurnal lingvisticheskikh i antropologicheskikh issledovaniy, 1 (27), 44-60.
    2019 Pupynina, Maria & Koryakov, Yurii. 2019. Chukchi-Speaking Communities in Three Russian Regions: A 120-Year Story of Language Shift. Sibirica. Vol. 18. No. 2. P. 78-124.
    2019 Kevin Jernigan, Olga Belichenko, Valeria Kolosova, Darlene Orr, and Maria Pupynina. 2019. Gathering “Mouse Roots” Among the Naukan and Chukchi of the Russian Far East. Ethnobiology letters, Vol 10, No 1 (2019),129-138
    2019 Pupynina, Maria & Koryakov, Yuri. 2019. Geografiya mnogoyazychiya narodov Kolymsko-Alazeyskoy tundry v kontse XIX-nachale XX veka [Geography of multilibgualism of peoples of Kolyma-Alazeya tundra in the late 19th to the early 20th centuries]. Tomskiy zhurnal lingvisticheskikh i antropologicheskikh issledovaniy, 1 (23), 69–82.
    2018 Pupynina, Maria. 2018. Osobennosti kolymskogo varianta chukotskogo iazyka. [Peculiarities of Kolyma variety of Chukchi]. Voprosy Iazykoznaniya, No 3 (2018): 112–127.
    2018 Hinton, Leanne, Gruzdeva, Ekaterina, Oskolskaya, Sofia, Pupynina, Maria, Syuryun, Arzhaana, Fedotov, Maxim, & Janhunen, Juha. 2018. Vozvraschenie k rodnomu yazyku: Posobie dlya izucheniya yazyka po metody “Master-uchenik” [Returning to the living language: Manual for language teaching with Master-Apprentice methods]. Helsinki/Санкт-Петербург: Terra Ludens.
    2013 Pupynina, Maria. 2013. Chukotskii iazyk: Geografiia, govory i predstavleniia nositelei o chlenenii svoei iazykovoi obshchnosti. [The Chukchi language: Geography, dialects and speakers’ ideas on division of their language community]. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Trudy Instituta lingvisticheskih issledovanii RAN, Volume IX, part 3, 245–260.