SPP 2171 Spring Conference: Dynamic Wetting of Flexible, Adaptive, and Switchable Substrates

2025 February 17th - 21st, Mainz, Germany

The aim of the conference is to facilitate the scientific exchange within the SPP, the internal presentation of the results achieved by each project and the planning of further collaborations. The workshop will feature sessions of short talks on SPP projects given by members of the SPP to communicate their central results. In addition, poster sessions will give room for more extended discussions and allow the participants to familiarise themselves with the work of the other groups.
Moreover, there will be selected keynote lectures by renowned external guest lecturers, who will present recent matters relevant to the SPP.

The conference is meant to be an open platform for discussing subjects related to the themes of the Priority Programme 2171 and actively encourages junior researchers to be a part of this process.


The workshop is organized by the SPP 2171 with particular support from Rüdiger Berger, Doris Vollmer and Hans-Jürgen Butt (all MPI-P).

In case of general questions please contact the SPP manager.

Date and Location

The conference takes place from Monday, February 17th 2025 till Friday, February 21st at the Staudinger Lecture Hall of the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPI-P) in Mainz.

Address: Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz

Registration & Abstract submission

The registration & abstract submission are open and available on the event page.

The deadline for both, registration as well as abstract submission, is scheduled to January 10th 2025.

In case you encounter any problems with registration or your contribution, please contact the SPP Manager.


The program will be available on the event page after the registration and abstract submission periode has expired.


Participation is free of charge; there is no registration fee.

Conference Dinner

The conference dinner is planned for Wed. 19th evening at 19:00 in the traditional Mainzer brewery:  Eisgrub-Bräu, Weißliliengasse 1A, 55116 Mainz (https://www.eisgrub.de/).
During the registration you will be given the opportunity to sign up, which allows us to anticipate the number of places required for the reservation.

Note, that this dinner will be at the participants' own expense and is not payed for by the SPP-2171.
We thank the KRÜSS GmbH for sponsoring this dinner so that only beverages must be paid for by the participants themselves.


An excursion will be organized to visit the Gutenberg-Museum in Mainz (https://www.mainz.de/microsite/gutenberg-museum/splash-page.php). In the guided tour of the Gutenberg Museum, you can experience how printing was done in Gutenberg's time during a demonstration on the historic printing press. The cost are estimated to be between 15 € and 18 € per person including visit of the museum. If you would like to attend just tick the corresponding option during the general registration for the conference. If you registered already but like to join, please contact me.

Invited Speakers

  • Dan Daniel - Drops dance and explode on lubricated surfaces
  • Ognen Pop-Georgievski - Observing the structure of non-fouling polymer brushes in aqueous solutions
  • Maja Rücker - Fluid dynamics during spontaneous imbibition in multimodal porous media
  • Glen McHale - Surfaces Slippery to Liquids
  • Doris Vollmer - How to keep solar panels clean

  • Maja Vuckovac - Effect of Surface Stochasticity on Droplet Motion

  • Christoph Weber - Theory of non-dilute binding and surface phase separation applied to membrane-binding proteins

  • Annette Andrieu-Brunsen - Wettability in porous materials for the design of fluid imbibition and molecular transport


Evening Talk

The psychology of climate change - from political activism to denial
Prof. Dr. Roland Imhoff  |  https://www.sozrepsy.uni-mainz.de/prof-dr-roland-imhoff/



We have arranged a call-off contingent at the B&B Hotel Mainz-Hbf (Mombacher Straße 2b, 55122 Mainz) for a price of 65€ per night.
If this hotel suits you, please book via the following link:


The rooms will be reserved for participants of the Spring Conference MPIP "SPP2171" until 20.01.2025.


The Max Planck Institute for Polymer Reserach can be reached from the main train station via tram lines number 51 and 53 (direction Lerchenberg/Hindemithstraße).
Tram number 51 departs from platform A, number 53 from platform L.
Get off at the stop "Hochschule Mainz".
The institute can be reached after a two-minute walk across Koblenzer Straße into Ackermannweg.
