Flow field around an ultrasound-propelled nanoparticle
© Raphael Wittkowski

Theory of active soft matter

The research of this group focuses on active soft matter, i.e., on soft-matter systems that contain self-propelled (so-called "active") constituents. Examples are swimming microorganisms and suspensions of artificial active colloidal particles. The considered systems range from individual active nano- and microparticles through suspensions of such particles up to complex composite systems of ordinary soft matter and active particles.

A current main research topic of the group is the development of novel active colloidal particles that can be applied in the field of nanomedicine. These particles shall be biocompatible and steerable so that they can be used, e.g., for improved drug delivery or magnetic nanoparticle-based hyperthermia.

Another important research topic is given by active soft materials. As systems being intrinsically far from thermodynamic equilibrium, soft materials containing active particles can exhibit a fascinating behavior that is unknown from conventional materials. The main goals in this context are to understand the behavior of active soft materials, to identify unique properties that are relevant for particular applications, and to design new active materials with properties that are controllable in real time.


  1. On the shape-dependent propulsion of nano- and microparticles by traveling ul-trasound waves
    Voß J, Wittkowski R. preprint, arXiv:2002.02048 (2020)
  2. Predictive local field theory for interacting active Brownian spheres in two spatialdimensions
    Bickmann J, Wittkowski R. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32, 214001 (2020). Invited article. Special Issue “Emerging Leaders 2019”
  3. Nonequilibrium dynamics of mixtures of active and passive colloidal particles
    Wittkowski R, Stenhammar J, Cates M. New Journal of Physics 19, 105003 (2017). Invited article. Special Issue “Focus on Active Colloids and Nanoparticles”
  4. Helical paths, gravitaxis, and separation phenomena for mass-anisotropic self-propelling colloids: experiment versus theory
    Campbell A, Wittkowski R, ten Hagen B, Löwen H, Ebbens S. Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 084905 (2017)
  5. Light-induced self-assembly of active rectification devices
    Stenhammar J, Wittkowski R, Marenduzzo D, Cates M. Science Advances 2, e1501850 (2016). Selected as Research Highlight in Nature Physics 12, 376 (2016). Press reports: Big News Network, Business Standard, Dagens Nyheter, Daijiworld, DesignNews, ECN, EurekAlert!, FARS News, Forskningse, Lund University, Nanotechnology Now, Newkerala, Noodls, Nvs24, ScienceDaily, Space Daily, University of Dusseldorf, Zee News.