Arithmetic and Analysis

A conference on the occasion of Christopher Deninger's 60th birthday

April 9 - April 13, 2018
Münster, Germany

Organizers: G. Kings, P. Schneider, A. Werner

Invited speakers:
M. Bertolini
D. Blasius
S. Bloch
J.-B. Bost
U. Bunke
P. Colmez
J. Cuntz
H. Esnault
G. Faltings
J.-M. Fontaine
L. Hesselholt
S. Hurder
U. Jannsen
M. Kurihara
A. Langer
M. Morishita
A. Parshin
M. Rapoport
S. Saito
T. Scholl
A. Thom
U. Zannier

J.A. Álvarez López, M. Bardestani, A. Barmeier, A. Bartels, S. Bosch, O. Braunling, L. Bröcker, K. Buyukboduk, F. Calderon, J. Chen, A. Deitmar, T. de Laat, J. Elstrodt, M. Feldmann, I. Fesenko, M. Frantzen, W. Gajda, T. Geisser, E. Hellmann, L. Hille, A. Huber-Klawitter, J. Kim, M. Kley, L. Kramer, M. Kreck, K. Künnemann, A. Langer, W. Lütkebohmert, B. Morin, N. Naumann, A. Nepechiy, G. Quick, W. Raskind, R. Recktenwald, O. Röndigs, W. Scharlau, S. Scherotzke, J. Scholbach, J. Schürmann, C. Serpé, C. Soulé, J. Stelzig, S.-N. Tung, E. Vetere, T. Ward, M. Weirich, R. Wilms, R. Wulkenhaar, H. Zhao

All lectures take place in lecture hall M3.


Winfried Scharlau took pictures of some of the speakers and participants.
Click here to view the pictures.

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