Dr.EmreMülazimoglu New position: postdoc at Unversity of Twente
Dr. MaximilianNiehues New position: Polymer Chemist at REMONDIS
Dr.SimonRaschke New position: Data Scientist at Celver AG
Former PhD Students
Anna - MariaBoettick
StefanBuss PhD student in the group of Cristian Strassert
FranziskaBusse New Position: PhD Student at University of Cologne
TorynDalton New Position: Lab Head in Process Chemistry at Bayer
AlexanderEich New Position: Head of Business Development at Pixel Photonics
KatharinaElsbecker ( geb. Ziegler)
HelenaOsthues New Position: Consultant Software Solutions at zeb
PascalSteinforth New position: Scientist at Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM
AileenTekath (geb. Peters) New position: Post-doc in Klostermeier group at University of Münster
TobiasTheiss New Position: Laboratory Planner at dr. heinekamp
Former Students
JanRiegelmeyer New Position: PhD Student at TU Delft, group of Carlos Errando Harrenz
Former Visiting Scientists
Dr. des.AntonioBikić https://antonio.bikic.io/
AndréaDe Camargo Professor at Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Head of Division 5.6 - Glass at Federal Institute of Materials Research and Testing (BAM)
RaquelVilela New position: visiting scientist at University of Münster
Former Fellows
de Santiago de SouzaRafael
AshutoshKanojiya New position: PhD student in the group of Bart Jan Ravoo
RamintaMineikaite New position: Research and Development at Thermo Fisher Scientific, Lithuania