CRC 1459 (Tutorial) Lecture Series 2022

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1st Intelligent Matter Summer School (FIMSS)

held from September 19th - 21st, 2022
© Jugendburg Gemen

The Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1459 Research Training Group hosted its

1st Intelligent Matter Summer School from September 19th to 21st, 2022 at Jugendburg Gemen.

More information on the program can be found here.


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1st NU-WWU-Symposium on Smart Materials

© Nina Knubel


The first international Northwestern University - Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster- (NU-WWU) Symposium on Smart Materials was held

from August 31st - September 1st , 2022 in the Center for Soft Nanoscience.

It focused on advanced materials, nanoscience and biomedical applications and is meant to bring the experts in the field from Evanston and Münster closer together.

The event is supported by the International office at WWU, Cells in Motion Interfacilty Centre, CRC1459 Intelligent Matter, CRC1450 Insight, DFG, SoN, CeNTech & Northwestern University - International Institute for Nanotechnology.


© Tobias Theiss
  • © Nina Knubel
  • © Tobias Theiss
  • © Tobias Theiss