Dr. Mrinal Pande

Participation in the Collaborative Research Centre/ SFB 1150
- Research assistant of project Social Practices and Media Narratives of Matrimonial Decision-Making in India
- Member of the Research Platforms I Decision-making in theories of modernization and III Decision-making in individualistic action and social theories
Research interests
- Hinduismus
- Religionsanthropologie, Mobilitätsanthropologie
- Performance Studies, Medialität
- Transkulturelle Studien und Indische Diaspora
2017 | Defended the doctoral thesis titled "Mobile Performances of Hindu Texts: The Voice of Morari Bapu in Multiple Media |
2015-2019 | Post-doctoral Research Assistant in SFB 1150 |
2012-2015 | Doktorandin und Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Graduiertenschule des Exzellenzclusters „Religion und Politik“ an der WWU Münster (Projekt B2-2 Die Stimme als Medium populärer Religiosität in Indien: Religiöser Pluralismus und soziale Distinktionspraktiken) |
Februar 2011 | Abschluss des Kurses "Understanding Hindu Identity" des Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies |
Dezember 1999 | "National Eligibility Test" (University Grants Commission, Indien) |
1996-1998 | Master of Arts in Geschichte, University of Mumbai |
1993-1999 | Bachelor of Arts in Geschichte, R. Ruia College, University of Mumbai |
Field Research 2017
- (February – April) Ethnographic fieldwork in India
- Pande Mrinal. “Ramkatha Soundscape: Listening to Voices”. In Stimmen aus dem Jenseits/Voices from Beyond, edited by Wagner-Egelhaaf Martina, 217-235. Würzburg: Ergon, 2017.
- Pande Mrinal. “The Voice of Ethnography”. In Stimmen aus dem Jenseits/Voices from Beyond, edited by Wagner-Egelhaaf Martina, 148-153. Würzburg: Ergon, 2017.
- Pande Mrinal. “Voice Hearing in Gujarat”. In Stimmen aus dem Jenseits/Voices from Beyond, edited by Wagner-Egelhaaf Martina, 266-269. Würzburg: Ergon, 2017.
Papers presented at Conferences/Seminars
- Narratives of Marriage and Love in Bollywood Films, paper presented as part of the Conference "Ressourcen des Entscheidens", SFB 1150, University of Münster (May 2017)
- Mediating Modernities: Indian Women's Narratives of Marriages, delivered the S.Gambhir Memorial Lecture at the Department of History, S.N.D.T. Women's University, Mumbai (February 2017)
- Framing Matrimonial Decision-Making: Methodological queries, in the SFB Workshop “Marriage, Law and the State in India” at the Institute of Ethnology (July 2016)
- Mobile Trajectory of the Ramkatha: Diasporic Practices in a Comparative Context, in the session "Global Processes and Diasporic Experience", at the 'International Conference on Ramlila and Ramkatha Manchan' under the theme 'Epic Processes: Mobility, Patronage and Aesthetics', at the Indira Gandhi National Centre of Arts, New Delhi (November 2015)
- Negotiating Hindutva: Narratives of Crisis, paper presented in the panel "Perception of Crises in South Asia: Processes of Negotiation in Decision Making", at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde (DGV) Conference at the Philipps University Marburg (September 2015)
- Voice as Media: From Sound to Body Effect, paper presented in the session "Religions and Media: Performances", at the XXI World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, University of Erfurt (August 2015)
Mapping The Ramkatha Soundscape: An Empirical Study, at the Workshop on Mediality 'Voices from Beyond' held as part of the field of research Secularization and Sacralization of Media at the Excellence Cluster 'Religion and Politics', University of Muenster (Apr. 2015). - Mediating A Religious Performance, in the session Religions and Media: Performances, at the XXI World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions, University of Erfurt Aug. 2015)
- Winter semester 2017
Narrative in Anthropology (BA) - Summer semester 2017
Narratives of Marriage in India (BA) - Winter semester 2015/16:
Anthropology of Decision-making (BA)
Media Anthropology in South Asia (MA) - Summer semester 2015 :
Anthropology of Diaspora and Migration (BA) - 2001 als Gastdozentin, National Institute of Fashion Technology (Mumbai), Gov. of India: Foundation Course in Social Sciences and Humanities (History, Anthropology, Sociology)
- 1999 – 2000 als Dozentin am R. Ruia College, University of Mumbai: History of Ancient India, Introduction to European History (BA)
- 1998 als Dozentin, Government Law College, Mumbai: History of Modern India