Felix Gräfenberg

© Thomas Kundy

Participation in the Collaborative Research Centre/ SFB 1150

Research interests

  • Pre- and proto-industrial trade and industry policies
  • history of modernization and political change
  • Prussian politics and administration in 18th and 19th century; history of infrastructure
  • policy analysis of historic policy-making and decision-making processes
  • formation of epistemic cultures


2016-2019 Research assistant at the SFB 1150
July-December 2015 Graduate assistant at the SFB 1150, project B06
2012-2015 M.A. in history at the University of Münster
Thesis: Chaussee Construction in Prussia between Private Finance and State Regulation, c. 1815-1848: Case Studies on Westphalia and the Preußische Seehandlung
2009-2012 B.A. in mathematics and history at the University of Münster


  • (with Constanze Sieger) `Information als Ressource des Entscheidens in der Moderne (1780-1930). Entwicklungen und Konstellationen in preußischen Zentralbehörden und westfälischen Lokalverwaltungen', in: Ulrich Pfister (ed.), Kulturen des Entscheidens. Institutionen, Ressourcen, Praktiken, Reflexionen, Göttingen 2019, pp. 333-355.
  • (with Ulf Christian Ewert and Stephanie Klages) `The Industrious Revolution in Germany: Constraints to Labour Supply and Working Motives around 1800', in: Roberto Leggero (ed.), Lavoro e impresa nelle societa preindustriali - Labour and business in pre-industrial societies, Mendrisio 2017, pp. 229-254.
  • `Eine Zeche, drei Gesichter - zwischen Gewinnmaximierung, schnellen Autos und Ruderalvegetation', in: Alexander Kraus/Daniel Schmidt (ed.), Stadt auf Kohle. Ein Lesebuch zur Geschichte der Zechen in Gelsenkirchen, Essen 2014, pp. 109-119.
  • `Windmühlenbecher', in: Alexander Kraus (ed.), Eine Geschichte Münsters in 30 Objekten, Münster 2014, pp. 88-94.