Wege zum digitalen Papsttum. Der Vatikan im Wandel medialer Öffentlichkeit
The papacy remains stable in the face of structural change in the public sphere. It uses its ability to pick up on innovations in the media landscape to formulate moral guidelines for political action and its own claims to power. This interdisciplinary volume shows which communication strategies the Vatican uses to stage the Pope as a political actor in the interplay of text and image, and how these are taken up and transformed by the media.
The book ‘Wege zum digitalen Papsttum. Der Vatikan im Wandel medialer Öffentlichkeit' has been published in the CRM “Religion und Moderne” series. The series is edited by Thomas Großbölting, Detlef Pollack, Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger and Ulrich Willems on behalf of the Centre for Religion and Modernity at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster and is published by Campus Verlag Frankfurt am Main/New York.
To the series Religion and Modernity,
More information about the volume.