Senior Prof. Dr. Pienie Zwitserlood
Room: FL 319b
Office hours: by appointment
Tel.: +49 251 83-34163
Room: FL 319b
Office hours: by appointment
Tel.: +49 251 83-34163
Olga Holtmann | The role of the insular cortex in emotional processing: Evidence from a multi-dimensional lesion-based approach | |
Romero Frausto, Hugo | Cognitive-affective and Perceptive Aspects of Anorexia Nervosa Symptoms in Adolescent Patients: Neuroimaging and Clinical Data | |
Surmann, Marian | Wie kann die Behandlung von Betroffenen mit psychotischen Erkrankungen verbessert werden? Eine Verschiebung des Behandlungsfokus jenseits der Pharmakotherapie. | |
Surmann, Marian | Wie kann die Behandlung von Betroffenen mit psychotischen Erkrankungen verbessert werden? Eine Verschiebung des Behandlungsfokus jenseits Pharmakotherapie. | |
Hofmann, David | Resting state fMRI effective connectivity between bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and amygdala nuclei in humans | |
Heins, Nina | The relevance of incidental and intentional action sounds for the evaluation and neural processing of actions | |
Broers, Nico | Exploring memory for scenes | |
Förster, Katharina | Cognitive and Neurobiological Mechanisms of Social Dysfunction in Major Depressive Disorder | |
El-Sourani, Nadiya | Neural correlates of exploiting contextual information during action observation: Evidence form contextual objects | |
Kluger, Daniel | Informational segmentation in event prediction: Temporal dynamics and predictive efficiency | |
Reul, Sophia | Efficiency of neuropsychological assessment in the differential diagnosis of early Alzheimer’s disease and behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia | |
Dohm, Katharina | Structural brain alterations in the course of major depressive disorder: Results from cross-sectional and longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging | |
Klinkenberg, Isabelle | Electrophysiological correlates of emotional perception and learning: the impact of chemosignals and fear induction | |
Zaremba, Dario | The Neurobiology of Recurrence in Major Depressive Disorder – Insights from Structural Neuroimaging | |
Buff, Christine | Neural correlates of overresponsive threat processing in adults suffering from generalized anxiety disorder | |
Brinkmann, Leonie | Role of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in threat processing: Effects of inter-individual differences | |
Vohrmann, Anne | Zeigt, was ihr könnt! Wirkung eines Motivations- und Selbststeuerungstrainings für besonders begabte Underachiever (MoSt) in Form eines Kleingruppentrainings im schulischen Kontext | |
Neumeister, Paula | Neural correlates of threat processing in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder | |
Engell, Alva | Neuroplasticity and lateral inhibition in the auditory system: Underlying brain structures, attentional effects and implications for the treatment of tinnitus | |
Feldker, Katharina | Neural correlates of disorder-related processing in panic disorder | |
Heitmann, Carina Yvonne | Neural correlates of disorder-related processing in social anxiety disorder | |
Geukes, Sebastian | On necessary conditions for learning new words and their meanings: behavioral and event-related studies | |
Eden, Annuschka | Structural, functional and behavioral differences between high and low trait-anxious individuals | |
Rehbein, Maimu Alissa Rhea | Investigating human emotion processing and fear conditioning under challenging conditions: Findings of MultiCS conditioning studies | |
Ahlheim, Christiane | Neural Signatures of Statistical Structure in Observed Actions | |
Wunderlich, Robert | Treatment of chronic tonal tinnitus with tailor-made notched music training: Optimization and evaluation | |
Lindner, Christian | Automatic processing of facial affect in schizophrenia and its relationship to socio-emotional negative symptoms. | |
Becker, Michael | Neurobiology of feedback and reward processing in the human brain | |
Stein, Alwina | Inhibition-induced plasticity via auditory stimulation and its effects on tinnitus - a translational approach. | |
Redlich, Ronny | Distinguishing unipolar and bipolar disorder by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging | |
Kuchenbuch, Anja | Effects of musical expertise on magnetencephalographic correlates of uni- & multisensory processing. | |
Keuper, Katharina | Neuronal correlates of emotional word processing and its modulation by continuous theta burst stimulation. | |
Ortmann, Magdalena | Cortical plasticity underlying the development of speech perception in pre- and postlingually deafened cochlear implant users. | |
Laeger, Inga | Neural correlates of emotional word processing and fear learning in social phobia. | |
Reifegerste, Jana | Morphological processing in younger and older people: Evidence for flexible dual-route access. | |
Wessing, Ida | Emotion and its regulation in the developing brain: Magnetoencephalographic correlates. | |
Stuhrmann, Anja | Automatic emotion processing in unipolar and bipolar depression. | |
Paraskevopoulos, Evangelos | Effects of musical training on perception and processing in the auditory cortex | |
Liuzzi, Gianpiero | Action and Language | |
Bröckelmann, Ann-Kathrin | Rapid and highly differentiating emotion processing in the human brain: Magentoencephalographic correlates | |
Fischer-Ontrup, Christiane | Underachievement oder: Schlaue Köpfe mit schlechten Noten. Lern- und Leistungs-schwierigkeiten bei besonders begabten Kindern: Entwicklung und Evaluation von Interventionsmaßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Handlungskompetenz – Eine empirische Analyse auf der Basis von Einzelfallstudien. | |
Kornysheva, Katja | Function of the ventral premotor cortex in auditory motor integration of musical rhythm | |
Gieseke, Carolin | Erscheinungsformen von Sprachbegabung – Studie zur Sprachbegabung von Schülerinnen und Schülern an einem Münsteraner Gymnasium. | |
Hirschfeld, Gerrit | Semantics in language processing | |
Sehlmeyer, Christina | Anxiety, Inhibition and the Prefrontal Cortex | |
Dannlowski, Udo | Neurogenetics of Emotion Processing in Major Depression | |
de Vries, Meinou Helena | Implicit learning of artificial grammars. Its neural mechanisms and its implications for natural language research | |
Stracke, Henning | Attentional Modulation of Auditory Signal-in-Noise Processing | |
Schöning, Sonja | Gender, Mood, and Working-Memory | |
Hihn, Hermina | Partielle Normalisierung der kognitiven Funktionen und deren neuronalen Korrelate bei schwer depressiven Patienten nach Elektrokonvulsionstherapie (ECT) | |
Gumnior, Heidi Elisabeth | The Representation of Morphologically Complex Words | |
Hofmann, Reinhild | To See or not to See - Action Scenes out of the Corner of the Eye. | |
Jorschick, Annett, B. | Speech variation in German and Dutch and its consequences for underspecified representation | |
Böhl, Andrea | German compounds in language comprehension and production | |
Tavabi, Kambiz | Phonological processing in human auditory cortex: Evidence from magnetencephalography |
Lohmann, Hubertus | Functional transcranial Doppler sonography (fTCD) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in neuropsychology and neurology | |
Redlich, Ronny | Gene by environment interactions on brain function and structure: A Vulnerability marker for major depressive disorder | |
Huettig, Falk | The interaction of language, vision, attention and memory during language-mediated visual search | |
Janzen, Gabriele | Spatial cognition | |
Dobel, Christian | Cognition of action events |