Ala Alsaleh, Moritz Schubert, and Dominik Endres. 2023. The Effect of Sense of Agency on Self-Efficacy Beliefs: A Virtual Reality Paradigm. In ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2023 (SAP '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 10, 1–11.
Research Area
I am extremely interested in the human sense of agency, which refers to the subjective perception of control over one's actions and their sensory outcomes. With a special focus on action control and goal-directed actions within the action-(visual) perception loop. My approach to studying the sense of agency involves both mathematical modeling and experimental research, primarily utilizing Virtual Reality (VR) due to its high utility in manipulating agency.
since 12/2023 PhD research project, Institute of Psychology, University of Münster (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Markus Lappe)
M.Sc. in Cognitive and Integrative Systems Neuroscience at Philipps University Marburg.
Thesis: "The Effect of Sense of Agency on Self-Efficacy Beliefs: A Virtual Reality Paradigm" (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Dominik Endres, Moritz Schubert M.Sc.)
B.Sc. in Psychology at Goethe University Frankfurt.
Thesis: "Self-Compassion and Positive Psychology in Academia: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study on Effects of Self-Compassion and Positive Psychology Interventions in Academia" (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Rolf Van Dick, Dr. Aljoscha Dreisörner)