
Laufende & abgeschlossene Qualifikationsarbeiten

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  • Social Contingency and Infant Emerging Sense of Agency Over Vocalisations: Testing a New Experimental Paradigm

    Call for Bachelor’s and/or Master’s Thesis


    Social Contingency and Infant Emerging Sense of Agency Over Vocalisations: Testing a New Experimental Paradigm

    Description of the thesis

    Infants’ vocalisations reliably elicit contingent and modality-matched responses from their caregivers, as extensively documented by cross-cultural observational research. It is assumed that experiencing such contingent responses strengthens infants’ sense of control over their vocalisations and the social consequences they produce - a so-called sense of agency. To date, experimental tests of this assumption are scant and inconclusive. This thesis will focus on testing a new experimental paradigm designed to assess when infants come to understand that they can influence the world around them with their own voices. This thesis is part of the VIA – Vocalisations and Infant Agency Study, which was developed in collaboration with our research partners at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, at Radboud University, and will be conducted at the Developmental Psychology Lab at the University of Münster.

    Eligibility requirements

    Very good written and spoken communication skills in English and German. Keen interest in child development.


    Dr. Laura Diprossimo & Prof. Dr. Joscha Kärtner

    Time frame

    April 2024 - July 2024

    Application material (English preferred)

    A motivation letter (max. 1 page), where you briefly explain why you are interested in writing up your thesis on this particular research topic. A short CV (max. 1 page).

    How to apply

    Please feel free to address any questions and/or express your interest via e-mail to Dr. Laura Diprossimo.