Application process at the Graduate School Empirical and Applied Linguistics

Application deadline: May 31 (for the winter semester beginning in October) / November 30 (for the summer semester beginning in April)
  • Application process

    Please submit your application as a pdf-file to the coordinator of the Graduate School. Please include the following documents:

    • Certificate of your Master's degree,
    • Your Master's thesis,
    • Proof of the language skills that are required depending on the chosen doctoral subject,
    • Your CV in tabular form,
    • The doctoral subject you wish to pursue (cf. § 3 study regulations (inofficial version)),
    • Your suggested supervisors (including at least one person from the group of university lecturers),
    • An outline of your planned dissertation project (5-7 pages including the list of references, cf. Guidelines for writing a research proposal) that includes
      • a description of your chosen topic, your hypothesis, and your aim,

      • the state of the art,

      • the theories and methods you want to use,

      • a list of references,

      • the schedule of your doctoral project,

    • ideally 1-2 references by other professors.

    Official documents such as the Master's Certificate should be submitted as a scan.

The courses in your doctoral studies are held in presence. This implies that your presence in Münster is a mandatory condition for your PhD studies. Since the GS eal does not award any scholarships of its own, you must seek funding for your project before you begin your studies. You will find information on various possibilities under the heading Funding.

  • Requirements

    In order to be admitted to the Graduate School Empirical and Applied Linguistics, you must have completed a Master's degree (or an equivalent degree, e. g. Maîtrise) in a linguistic related subject. The master's degree should have been graded at least good. We might also be able to accept your application if you have obtained your Master's degree in a discipline related to linguistics, such as speech or language therapy. You need to have the necessary language skills according to your chosen doctoral subject. Missing language skills may be acquired during the Ph.D. program by agreement.

    • All students should at least understand written and spoken German and English well enough to be able to follow lectures and to read scientific papers. Should these language skills be missing, intensive language courses should be taken in order to meet these requirements as quickly as possible. Being able to actively speak both German and English is highly recommended.


  • Submission

    Please submit your application as a pdf file via email to the coordinator of the Graduation School:

    Rachael Schulze
    Universität Münster
    Graduate School Empirical and Applied Linguistics
    Aegidiistr. 5
    D-48143 Münster

  • Registration

    Successful applicants must register for the Ph.D. program at the Student Admissions Office (Studierendensekretariat).

    Studierendensekretariat der Universität Münster
    University of Münster
    Schlossgarten 3
    48149 Münster

    Hotline: 049 251 83-20001
    Monday to Thursday: 09.00am - 09.30am and 15.00pm - 15.30pm
    Friday: 09.00am - 10.00am

    Please find more information on the websites of the   Student Admission Office and the Graduate Centre.