This year's lecture series, titled Why Literary Studies Matter Now: Academic Practices in an Anti-Intellectual Climate, opens up an interdisciplinary and international dialogue on the cultural and political role of literature in today's world, addressing issues such as "Realitie(s) in Literary Studies," "Factual Fictions," and "Political Correctness in Academic Discourse."
Why Literary Studies Matter Now: Academic Practices in an Anti-Intellectual Climate
Mondays | starting October 15, 2018 | 6pm | Lecture Hall S 9 (Schloss)
15.10. | Prof. Dr. Matei Chihaia (Wuppertal) | Marcel Proust im Gulag: Literatur als Medium und modellbildendes System |
12.11. | Dr. Daria Tunca (Liège) | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Portrait of the Artist as a Feminist Fashion Icon |
19.11. | Prof. Dr. Moritz Baßler (Münster) | Literaturwissenschaft als Kulturpoetik der Literatur und Medien |
03.12. | Prof. Dr. Katja Sarkowsky (Augsburg) | Fiction, Agency, and the Cultural Appropriation Debate |
17.12. | Prof. Dr. Barbara Winckler (Münster) | ‚Neue Medien‘ und gesellschaftliche Umbrüche in der arabischen Welt: Ein transhistorischer Vergleich |
07.01. | Prof. Dr. Dirk De Geest (Leuven) | Desiring Urgency once Again: Contemporary Dutch Literature as a Challenge |
14.01. | PD Dr. Markus Schmitz (Münster) | Imagination und Flucht-Migration: Künstlerisch-literarische Kontrapunkte zur Fiktion des Faktischen |
21.01. | Prof. Dr. Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf (Münster) | ‘The real is back’: Wirklichkeiten der Literatur(wissenschaft) heute |
Find some impressions of the lectures here: