Lecture and Masterclass on "Digitale Editionen"


(Dr. Gabriele Radecke, Theodor Fontane-Arbeitsstelle, University Göttingen, and Mathias Göbel)


Dr. Gabriele Radecke (Theodor Fontane-Arbeitsstelle, University Göttingen) will hold a public lecture on Fontane's notebooks: "Notizbuch-Editionen. Zu Materialität und Medialität von Theodor Fontanes Notizbüchern und ihrer editorischen Repräsentation".
Dr. Radecke is head of the Theodor Fontane-Arbeitsstelle in Göttingen since 2010 and works on a digital edition of Fontanes' notebooks.
The lecture will take place on 19th of February, Festsaal WWU (Schlossplatz 5).

The additional masterclass with Dr. Radecke and Mathias Göbel will be on "Digitale Editionen" on 20th of February.
Mathias Göbel is responsible for the visualisation of Fontane's notebooks.
Beside an introduction to edition philology the masterclass will give an introduction to the work with "TextGrid".
If you want to participate please contact Dr. Maren Conrad until February 13th.

Please note that lecture and masterclass will be held in German.