Lecture and Workshop with KD Wolff: Von der 68er Studentenbewegung zum Klassikerverlag

KD Wolff, born 1943, was head of the Socialist German Student Union from 1967 to 1968, but has recently been hailed a “guardian of the poetic” (FAZ). As a founder of the publishing house “Roter Stern” in 1970, KD Wolff caused a stir by publishing the first issue of the historical-critical Frankfurt Edition of Friedrich Hölderlin’s work. For the first time all drafts and manuscripts of a modern German poet had been printed as a facsimile with side-by-side transcriptions. Today “Stroemfeld/Roter Stern” is internationally renowned, having published more than ten historical-critical editions and extensive research in the humanities. In 2010 the German National Library paid tribute to this development and staged an exhibition on the publishing house on the occasion of its 40th anniversary.

On Monday, 21st May 2012 KD Wolf will give a lecture on the topic Von der 68er Studentenbewegung zum Klassikerverlag (6:15 pm - 8 pm, Festsaal of the University)

Workshop: 22nd May 2012 (10 am - 12 am and 1 pm - 3pm), Alexander-von-Humbold Haus(Hüfferstra0e 61), Room 139