Akademische Ausbildung
- Promotion
- Studium der Geowissenschaften
- Studium der Physik
- BC MERTIS: Cruise Phase Teil 2 - Teilvorhaben Labormessung und Missionsunterstützung ( – )
participations in other joint project: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz | Förderkennzeichen: 50QW2201A - BC MERTIS: Systemtests, Start, Inbetriebnahme, Cruise-Phase Teil 1 ( – )
participations in other joint project: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz | Förderkennzeichen: 50QW1701
- BC MERTIS: Cruise Phase Teil 2 - Teilvorhaben Labormessung und Missionsunterstützung ( – )
- Barraud, O., Helbert, J., Säuberlich, T., D’Amore, M., Maturilli, A., Adelia, S., Peter, G., Alemanno, G., Vermaa, N., Van, Den Neucker A, Knollenberg, J., Walter, I., Reitze, M.P., Bauch, K., Morlok, A., Stojic, A.N., Weber, I., Pasckert, J.H., Schmedemann, N., und and, Hiesinger H. . „MERTIS/BepiColombo: the challenges of observing the Moon with an instrument designed for Mercury.“ SPIE Reviews, Nr. 13144 1314404. doi: 10.1117/12.3028187.
- Storz, J, Reitze, MP, Stojic, A, Kerraouch, I, Bischoff, A, Hiesinger, H, und John, T. . „Micro-FTIR reflectance spectroscopy of Ryugu, CI chondrites and volatile-rich clasts – Comparing spectral features in the Mid-IR (2.5–16.5 μm) region.“ Icarus, Nr. 420: 116189–116189. doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2024.116189.
- Morlok, Andreas, Sehlke, Alexander, Stojic, Aleksandra N., Whittington, Alan, Weber, Iris, Reitze, Maximilian P., Hiesinger, Harald, und Helbert, Joern. . „Synthetic analogs for lava flows on the surface of Mercury: A mid-infrared study.“ Icarus, Nr. 415 116078. doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2024.116078.
- I, Weber, SG, Pavlov, U, Böttger, und MP, Reitze. . „Alteration in the Raman spectra of characteristic rock-forming silicate mixtures due to micrometeorite bombardment.“ Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, Nr. 55 (8): 901–913. doi: 10.1002/jrs.6676.
- Reitze, MP, Renggli, C, Morlok, A, Weber, I, Rodehorst, U, Berndt, J, Klemme, S, und Hiesinger, H. . „Crystallographic and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopic Properties of the CaS-MgS Solid Solution.“ Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, Nr. 129 (8): e2024JE0–e2024JE008483. doi: 10.1029/2024JE008483.
- A.N., Stojic, I., Weber, A., Morlok, S.G., Pavlov, H., Hiesinger, M.P., Reitze, A., Maturilli, N., Schmedemann, K.E., Bauch, J.H., Pasckert, und J., Helbert. . „Simulation of surface regolith gardening and impact associated melt layer production under ns-pulsed laser ablation.“ Icarus, Nr. 391 doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2022.115344.
- Morlok, A, Renggli, C, Charlier, B, Namur, O, Klemme, S, Reitze, MP, Weber, IStojic AN, und Bauch KE, Hiesinger H Helbert J. . „A mid-infrared study of synthetic glass and crystal mixtures analog to the geochemical terranes on mercury.“ Icarus, Nr. 396: 115498. doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115498.
- MP, Reitze, I, Weber, A, Morlok, H, Hiesinger, JH, Pasckert, N, Schmedemann, KE, Bauch, AN, Stojic, und J, Helbert. . „Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Feldspars From the Bühl Basalt (Northern Hesse, Germany) Formed Under Reducing Conditions as Terrestrial Analogue of Mercury for MERTIS.“ Earth and Space Science, Nr. 10 (6): e2023EA002903. doi: 10.1029/2023EA002903.
- Weber, I, Reitze, MP, Morlok, A, Stojic, AN, Hiesinger, H, Schmedemann, N, Bauch, KE, Pasckert, JH, und Helbert, J. . „Mid-IR spectral properties of different surfaces of silicate mixtures before and after excimer laser irradiation.“ Icarus, Nr. 404: 115683–115683. doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115683.
- I, Weber, U, Böttger, F, Hanke, MP, Reitze, M, Heeger, T, Adolphs, und HF, Arlinghaus. . „Space weathering simulation of micrometeorite bombardment on silicates and their mixture for space application.“ Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, Nr. 53 (3): 411–419. doi: 10.1002/jrs.6162.
- Reitze, MP, I, Weber, A, Morlok, H, Hiesinger, Bauch, KE, Stojic, AN, und J, Helbert. . „Mid-infrared spectroscopy of crystalline plagioclase feldspar samples with various Al,Si order and implications for remote sensing of Mercury and other terrestrial Solar System objects.“ Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Nr. 554: 116697. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116697.
- Morlok, A, Renggli, C, Charlier, B, Reitze, MP, Klemme, S, Namur, O, Sohn, M, Martin, D, Weber, I, Stojic, AN, Hiesinger, H, Joy, KH, Wogelius, R, Tollan, P, Carli, C, Bauch, KE, und Helbert, J. . „Mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy of synthetic glass analogs for mercury surface studies.“ Icarus, Nr. 361: 114363. doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2021.114363.
- Stojic, AN, Morlok, A, Tollan, P, Kohout, T, Hermann, J, Weber, I, Moreau, J, Hiesinger, H, Sohn, M, Bauch, KE, Reitze, MP, und Helbert, J. . „A shock recovery experiment and its implications for Mercury's surface: The effect of high pressure on porous olivine powder as a regolith analog.“ ıcarus, Nr. 357: 114162. doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2020.114162.
- Weber, I, Reitze, MP, Heeger, M, Adolphs, T, Morlok, A, Stojic, AN, Hiesinger, H, Arlinghaus, HF, und Helbert, J. . „The effect of excimer laser irradiation on mid-IR spectra of mineral mixtures for remote sensing.“ Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Nr. 569: 117072. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117072.
- Reitze, MP, I, Weber, A, Morlok, H, Hiesinger, Bauch, KE, Stojic, AN, und J, Helbert. . „Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Anorthosite Samples From Near Manicouagan Crater, Canada, as Analogue for Remote Sensing of Mercury and Other Terrestrial Solar System Objects.“ Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), Nr. 126 (8): e06832. doi: 10.1029/2021JE006832.
- Donnermeyer, D., Ibing, M., Bürklein, S., Weber, I., Reitze, M.P., und Schäfer, E. . „Physico-Chemical Investigation of Endodontic Sealers Exposed to Simulated Intracanal Heat Application: Hydraulic Calcium Silicate-Based Sealers.“ Materials (Basel), Nr. 14 (4): 1–11. doi: 10.3390/ma14040728.
- Bischoff, A., Alexander, C.M.O'D., Barrat, J.-A.Burkhardt, und C., and 37 others. . „The old, unique C1 chondrite Flensburg - insight into the first processes of aqueous alteration, brecciation, and the diversity of water-bearing parent bodies and lithologies.“ Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Nr. 293: 142–186.
- Reitze, M PWeber I, Kroll H, Morlok A, und Hiesinger H, Helbert J. . „Mid-infrared spectroscopy of alkali feldspar samples for space application.“ Mineralogy and Petrology, Nr. 114: 453–463. doi: 10.1007/s00710-020-00709-9.
- Morlok, A, Schiller, B, Weber, I, Daswani, MM, Stojic, AN, Reitze, MP, Gramse, T, Wolters, SD, Hiesinger, H, Grady, MM, und Helbert, J. . „Mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy of carbonaceous chondrites and Calcium–Aluminum-rich inclusions.“ Planetary and Space Science, Nr. 193: 105078. doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2020.105078.
- Reitze, M, I, Weber, A, Morlok, H, Hiesinger, K, Bauch, A, Stojic, und J, Helbert. . „Infrared Spectroscopy of Well-Defined Plagioclase Samples.“ In 51st Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
- Hiesinger, H, Helbert, J, Alemanno, G, Bauch, K, D'Amore, M, Maturilli, A, Morlok, A, Reitze, M, Stangarone, C, Stojic, A, Varatharajan, I, Weber, I, und and, the MERTIS-Co-I Team. . „Studying the Composition and Mineralogy of the Hermean Surface with the Mercury Radiometer and Thermal Infrared Spectrometer (MERTIS) for the BepiColombo Mission: An Update.“ Space Science Reviews, Nr. 216 (6): 110. doi: 10.1007/s11214-020-00732-4.
- Weber, I, Stojic, A, Morlok, A, Reitze, M, Markus, K, Hiesinger, H, Pavlov, S, Wirth, R, Schreiber, A, Sohn, M, Hübers, H, und Helbert, J. . „Space weathering by simulated micrometeorite bombardment on natural olivine and pyroxene: A coordinated IR and TEM study.“ Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Nr. 530 doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115884.
- Bischoff, A., Barrat, J.-A., Berndt, J., Borovicka, J., Burkhardt, C., Busemann, H., Hakenmüller, J., Heinlein, D., Hertzog, J., Kaiser, J., Maden, C., Meier, M.M. M., Morino, P., Pack, A., Patzek, M., Reitze, M.P., Rüfenacht, M., Schmitt-Kopplin, P., Schönbächler, M., Spurny, P., Weber, I., Wimmer, K., und and, Zikmund T. . „The Renchen L5-6 chondrite breccia – the first confirmed meteorite fall from Baden-Württemberg (Germany).“ Geochemistry – Chemie der Erde, Nr. 79: 125525. doi: 10.1016/j.chemer.2019.07.007.
- Weber, I., Morlok, A., Heeger, M., Adolphs, T., Reitze, M.P., Hiesinger, H., Bauch, K.E., Stojic, A., Arlinghaus, H.F., und Helbert, J. . „Simulating space weathering on Mercury: Eximer laser experiments on mineral mixtures.“ In 50th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
- Reitze, MP, I, Weber, H, Kroll, A, Morlok, und H, Hiesinger. . „Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Well-Defined Alkali Feldspar Samples in Preparation of MERTIS Observations.“ In 50th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
- Reitze, MP, A, Morlok, H, Hiesinger, I, Weber, und A, Stojic. . „Simulating Mercury –Setup of a New High-Temperature High-Vacuum Chamber for Infrared Measurements.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, TX, USA
- Reitze, M, A, Morlok, H, Hiesinger, I, Weber, und A, Stojic. . „Infrared spectroscopy of Mercury analogue materials under simulated Mercury surface temperature conditions.“ Beitrag präsentiert auf der EGU General Assembly 2017, Wien, Österreich