PhD Studies

The Department of Physics grants the academic degree of a Doctor of Natural Sciences (Doktor der Naturwissenschaften, Dr. rer. nat.) or the academic degree of a Doctor of Philosophy (Doktor der Philosophie, Dr. phil.). Detailed information can be found in the doctoral degree regulations.
Every year the Department of Physics awards the Infineon Doctoral Prize for the best doctoral thesis completed in the previous year. It is awarded during the graduation ceremony at the end of the summer semester.

The next graduation ceremony in the Department of Physics will take place on July 19, 2024 at 3 p.m. in lecture hall HS 1 (Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10).

Here you find the campus map. Free parking spaces are available in the parking garage Coesfelder Kreuz: Domagkstr. 62.

Please note that it is not possible to drive through Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. due to the new IG1 construction.

  • 19.07.2024

    The next graduation ceremony in the Department of Physics will take place on July 19, 2024 at 3 p.m. in HS 1! We invite you:

    Balsach Garcia Cascon, Roger | Brandt, Matthias | Brückerhoff-Plückelmann, Frank | Buller, Oleg | Gauda, Kevin | Gong, Qingmei | Grenz, Pascal Jona | Groll, Daniel | Jiang, Haihong | Khademorezaian, Saba | Makvandi, Ardavan | Marauhn, Philipp | Petrak, Pia Leonie Jones | Rigoni, Christian Aaron | Risse, Peter Clemens | Rochira, Federica | Schache, Daniel | Schöttke, Fabian Uwe | Schulze-Lammers, Bertram | Voigt, Hendrik | Wolff, Martin Axel | Wöstmann, Michael

  • 14.07.2023

    Zur Promotionsfeier des Fachbereichs Physik am 14. Juli um 15 Uhr im HS 1, IG1, Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 10, laden ein: der Dekan des FB Physik, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Bratschitsch und

    • Ahlborn, Valeriia
    • Bachmann, Jim Martin
    • Droop, Ramon Johannes
    • Elizabeth, Amala
    • Frohoff-Hülsmann, Tobias
    • Grewe, Oliver
    • Häußler, Matthias
    • Hahn, Thilo
    • Hartmann, Simon
    • Hessel, Denis
    • Hiemer, Vanessa Susanne
    • Kaspar, Corinna
    • Lozano Mariscal, Christian Jesús
    • Lühder, Jens Robert
    • Ly, Phoong-Minh Timmy
    • Osthues, Helena
    • Peters, Simon-Nis
    • Preuß, Johann Adrian
    • Richters-Finger, Steffen
    • Stieneker, Moritz
    • Unland Elorrietta, Martin Antonio
  • 03.02.2023

    Zur Promotionsfeier des Fachbereichs Physik am 3. Februar um 15 Uhr im HS 2, IG1, Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 10, laden ein: der Dekan des FB Physik, Prof. Dr. Michael Rohlfing und

    • Beutel, Georg Fabian
    • Bickmann, Jens
    • Busse, Rafaela Solveig
    • Donner, Ansgar Dominique
    • Duwentäster, Pit
    • Eich, Alexander
    • Eschmann, Lukas Robert
    • Fühner, Larissa Katharina
    • Grottke, Thomas Christian
    • Kersting, Benedikt Johannes
    • Kolodzeiski, Elena Patricia
    • Moreno Valero, Laura
    • Muzakka, Khoirul Faiq
    • Nitschke, Tobias
    • Prüßing, Jan Kristen
    • Saha, Tanumoy
    • Sen, Sandipan
    • Spangenberg, Katharina
    • Stappers, Maik
    • Stegemerten, Fenna Elisabeth
    • Terhaar, Robin Markus
    • te Vrugt, Michael
    • Voß, Johannes
    • Wettstein, Alina
    • Wichtrup, Philipp