
The next Alumni Day will take place on June 29, 2024 together with the Schlossgartenfest.

Registration is open until 23.06.2024 at

Participation fee: 20 euros per person incl. guided tours and barbecue buffet (excluding drinks). Children and young people up to the age of 14 can take part free of charge.

updated: 19.10.2023
updated: 19.10.2023

Do you like to recall your time at the University Physics Department here in Münster? As a former student or former employee, you might very well be interested in what is going on in your department today. We have founded a Physics Alumni Club – a casual way of staying in contact with each other.

If you provide us with your e-mail address (if you do not have one, we can send you information by mail if you like), we will inform you about current events and developments at the department and at the university every now and then. We might also organize a physics alumni meeting at some point or invite you to participate in promoting current physics students.

We have set up a registration form where you can add your name to our distribution list. You can also register for the Alumni Club of the University of Münster. You will be asked about your former department during this registration and if you give your consent in the comment field (“Your message for us:”), your details will be passed on to us. This will allow us to include you in our list also. Of course, we will remove your details from the list again at any time, should you so wish.

If you have any questions or suggestions for our activities or if you wish to register in a completely informal manner, please contact our Alumni Representative (currently Prof. Dr. Helmut Kohl, retired professor) via e-mail (

Stipendien-Programm ProTalent

Sie wissen sicherlich, dass der Begriff Alumni (die „Ernährten“) ursprünglich ausgediente Soldaten, später Zöglinge einer höheren Schule bezeichnete, die „mit Speis und Trank versorgt und in allen guten Sitten unterrichtet“ wurden (Johann Heinrich Zedler: Grosses vollständiges Universal-Lexicon Aller Wissenschafften und Künste. Band 1, Leipzig 1732, Spalte 1620). Heute bezeichnet man als Alumni in der Regel ehemalige Absolventen von Hochschulen, denen man denn auch zutraut, Paten von aktuellen „Zöglingen“ zu werden und diese in ihrem Studium zu unterstützen. Es gibt seit einiger Zeit das Stipendienprogramm ProTalent, welches Jahresstipendien in Höhe von 3600 Euro an förderungswürdige Studierende vergibt. Der Clou an der Geschichte ist, dass nur die Hälfte dieser Summe aus privaten Spenden kommen muss, die andere Hälfte wird vom Bund hinzugegeben. Wenn Sie ihrem ehemaligen Fachbereich für die empfangene fachliche Ausbildung und die reichen Angebote zur Persönlichkeitsbildung etwas zurückgeben wollen, können Sie dies mit einer beliebigen Spende tun. Sobald insgesamt 1800 Euro zusammenkommen, kann ein Stipendium vergeben werden! Ihre Beteiligung am Stipendienprogramm ProTalent können Sie als Spende steuerlich absetzen.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter dem Link ProTalent. Das Spendenkonto ist:

Universität Münster
Bank: Helaba
IBAN: DE22 3005 0000 0000 0660 27
1. Zeile: 3240041900 / ProTalent
2. Zeile: Fachbindung Physik (bitte unbedingt angeben) + Ihre Anschrift (wenn Sie eine Zuwendungsbescheinigung erhalten möchten)

Die Spende wäre auch über unserer Online-Spendentool möglich. Hier wird die Adresse für eine gewünschte Spendenquittung abgefragt. Zudem ist die Fachbindung „Physik“ unter dem Punkt „Ihre Nachricht an uns“ eintragbar.

Wenn Sie selbst oder Ihr Unternehmen Interesse daran haben, ein vollständiges Stipendium zu stiften, finden Sie alle Informationen im Internet auf der Homepage des Stipendienprogramms - oder sprechen Sie uns gerne direkt an.

  • Alumni Day on 6 July 2019

    Four physics alumni, namely Dr. Hans-Jörg Assenbaum (freelance consultant for corporations, support of start-ups as mentor and supervisory board member), Dr. Volker Eyert (Senior Scientist at Materials Design S.A.R.L., France), Dr. Volker Hamelbeck (Head of R&D XRF at SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH) and Dr. Ingo Holtkötter (Expert for road traffic accidents as well as motor vehicle electrics and electronics, Schimmelpfennig+Becke GmbH & Co. KG, Münster) reported on today's professional requirements and experiences as physicists in the form of lectures, questions and discussions. Besides the alumni, the main target group were the current students of the physics department. We thank the speakers once again for coming.

    March 2019

    Our alumnus Prof. Dr. Michael Wiescher (University of Notre Dame, Indiana) received the 2018 Laboratory Astrophysics Division (LAD) Award of the American Astronomical Society (AAS).

    We would like to congratulate him. Further details can be found in the following links:

  • Alumni Day on 7 July 2018

    All WWU alumni were invited to the Schlossgartenfest of the University of Münster the evening before (Friday, 6 July), and on 7 July the central alumni day took place. A report on these key activities can be found here.

    For our physics alumni we had our own program this afternoon:

    At 14:00, the Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Prof. Klasen, welcomed the physics alumni and spoke about the latest developments in the faculty and in the institutes.

    At about 14:30, we continued to visit the newly built Center For Soft Nanoscience (SoN) in Busso-Peus-Straße 10, 48149 Münster. Prof. Zacharias first spoke about the origins and tasks of the SoN, and in two groups the alumni were able to get to know the premises of the new institute.

    From 16:00, there were then meetings in individual institutes/working groups, whereby most of the physics alumni, after drinking coffee, could directly perceive the many impressive new buildings and changes in the field of the natural sciences on the roof of Institute Group I.

    From 18:00, there was finally a barbecue in the inner courtyard of the Institute Group I.

    We in the faculty were very pleased with the response to our meeting with more than 30 physics alumni present and think that we should repeat such meetings at appropriate intervals.

  • Alumni Day on 8 July 2017

    The Alumni Day of the WWU for the year 2017 took place on 8 July 2017. See Alumni website of the WWU for further information.

  • Alumni Day on 2 July 2016

    The Alumni Day of the WWU for the year 2016 took place on 2 July 2016. See Alumni website of the WWU for further information.

    The Institute for Applied Physics celebrated the 50th anniversary of its moving into the building in Corrensstraße 2–4. See Alumni website of the Institute for Applied Physics for further information.

    The presentation by Prof. Dr. Raimar Wulkenhaar (Institute of Mathematics) in lecture hall M5 at 15:30 on this day will certainly be of interest for physicists: “Gravitational waves – 100 years of general relativity theory”. See Alumni website of the Mathematics Department for more information.

  • October 2015

    Our alumnus Prof. Dr. Klaus Bartschat (Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, USA) has won the 10.000 $ Will Allis Award for the Study of Ionized Gases of the American Physical Society. He is the award winner of the year 2016.

    We warmly congratulate him on this. For further details see the following links:

    By the way, we will be happy to be informed about similar awards or newsworthy activities of our physics alumni and to be able to report on them.