Public Physic Colloquium in the Summer Terms 2013
Place:     Germany, 48149 Münster, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10, IG I, HS 2
Time:     Thursday, 06.06.2013  16:00 h c.t.
Colloquium Coffee at 15:45 h  at the Lecture Hall

Cosmology with the Planck satellite mission: 2013 results and perspectives
Dr. Juan Macias Perez, LPSC Grenoble

The Planck satellite experiment, devoted to the study of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)
anisotropies in temperature and polarisation, has recently delivered first cosmological results using the
temperature data only. Polarisation results, expected to be available in the second semester of 2014,
should complement the temperature ones and provide the tightest ever constraints on cosmological
parameters and the physics of the early Universe. In this talk I will briefly introduce CMB physics and how
the Planck satellite measures it. I will present the main Planck cosmological results, and discuss the
synergies between different cosmological independent probes. In particular, I will show how Planck can on
its own provide a variety of such probes (CMB anisotropies, lensing, Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect, Cosmic
Infrared Background) and the consistency between them. Moreover, I will discuss the implications of
Planck cosmological results on particle physics including neutrinos, dark matter and early Universe
properties. Finally, prospects on expected polarisation results will be presented.

Invited from: Prof. Dr. Michael Klasen

By Order of the Professors of the Department of Physics

Prof. Dr. Nikos Doltsinis