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DAX Future
Deutsche Terminbörse (DTB)
Contract Standard
DAX (German Stock Index)
Contract Size
DM 100 per DAX index point
In points, with one decimal place
Minimum Price Movement
0.5 point, representing a value of DM 50
Settlement Months
The three nearest months of the cycle March, June, September, December
Daily Settlement
For each contract, profits and losses arising from the open positions on any trading day will be determined at the end of the Post-Trading Period and credited to or debited from the internal cash clearing account.
For open positions from the previous trading day, the amount credited or debited equals the difference between the daily settlement prices of the contract on the relevant exchange trading day and the previous exchange trading day. For trades on the relevant trading day, the amount to be credited or debited is the difference between the price at which the trade was concluded and the daily settlement price for such trading day.
Daily Settlement Price
The price of the last trade that occurred during the last 15 minutes of trading on an exchange trading day. If it is not possible to determine a price under these conditions or if the price so determined does not reflect the true market conditions, DTB will set the settlement price.
Last Trading Day
The exchange trading day prior to the respective settlement calculation day.
Settlement Calculation Day
The third Friday of the respective settlement month if that is an exchange trading day, otherwise the exchange trading day immediately preceding this Friday
Final Settlement Price
The value of the DAX index calculated on the basis of the opening prices determined on the FWB for the DAX-listed shares on the settlement calculation day.
Cash Settlement Day
Cash settlement based on the final settlement price, due the second exchange trading day following the last trading day.
DTB determines the daily margin requirement using its Risk-Based Margining method.
Trading Hours
From 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Frankfurt time)
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All that is contained in the different sections of this web site, is written and copyrighted by:
Charles J. Kaplan, President, Equity Analytics, Ltd.