====== NLL-fast ======
gfortran nllfast.f -o name_of_the_executable
where ''nllfast.f'' has to be replaced by the correct Fortran source file, depending on the version of **''NLL-fast''**.
==== Running the code ====
c After compiling the code, it should be called in the following way for all four squark and gluino
c production processes:
c ./name_of_the_executable process pdf squark_mass gluino_mass
c or, for the case of stop-antistop (sbottom-antisbottom) production:
c ./name_of_the_executable st pdf stop_mass
c or, for the case of gluino production in the limit of large squark masses (decoupling limit):
c ./name_of_the_executable gdcpl pdf gluino_mass
c or, for the case of squark production in the limit of large gluino masses (decoupling limit):
c ./name_of_the_executable sdcpl pdf squark_mass
The command line attributes above can take the following values:
c - process:
c sb squark-antisquark production,
c ss squark-squark production,
c gg gluino-gluino production,
c sg squark-gluino production,
c - pdf:
c cteq CTEQ6.6M NLO (CTEQ6L1 for LO predictions) parton distribution functions,
c mstw MSTW2008NLO (MSTW2008LO for LO predictions) parton distribution functions
c nnpdf NNPDF3.0NLO (NNPDF3.0LO with AlphaS = 0.130 for LO predictions) parton distribution functions (only available for NLL-fast 3.1)
Ranges of gluino and squark masses (squark_mass, gluino_mass, stop_mass) covered by various version differ. For the version for 100 TeV they are:
c for gluino production in the decoupling limit (large squark mass)
c 200 GeV <= gluino_mass <= 15000 GeV
c for squark production in the decoupling limit (large gluino mass)
c 200 GeV <= squark mass <= 15000 GeV
c and for stop-antistop production:
c 100 GeV <= stop mass <= 10000 GeV other SUSY parameters according to CMSSM benchmark
c point 40.2.5 as defined in arXiv:1109.3859, see also the comments above.
For the version for 33 TeV they are:
c for gluino production in the decoupling limit (large squark mass)
c 200 GeV <= gluino_mass <= 6500 GeV
c for squark production in the decoupling limit (large gluino mass)
c 200 GeV <= squark mass <= 6500 GeV
c and for stop-antistop production:
c 100 GeV <= stop mass <= 5000 GeV other SUSY parameters according to CMSSM benchmark
c point 40.2.5 as defined in arXiv:1109.3859, see also the comments above.
For the version for 14 TeV they are:
c for gluino production in the decoupling limit (large squark mass)
c 200 GeV <= gluino_mass <= 3500 GeV
c for squark production in the decoupling limit (large gluino mass)
c 200 GeV <= squark mass <= 3500 GeV
c and for stop-antistop production:
c 100 GeV <= stop mass <= 2500 GeV other SUSY parameters according to CMSSM benchmark
c point 40.2.5 as defined in arXiv:1109.3859, see also the comments above.
For the version 3.1 (13 TeV) they are:
c for gluino-pair production:
c 200 GeV <= gluino mass <= 3000 GeV and 200 GeV <= squark mass <= 5000 GeV,
c for gluino production in the decoupling limit (large squark mass)
c 200 GeV <= gluino_mass <= 3000 GeV
c for squark-gluino production:
c 200 GeV <= gluino mass <= 3000 GeV and 200 GeV <= squark mass <= 5000 GeV,
c for squark-antisquark and squark-pair production:
c 200 GeV <= squark mass <= 3000 GeV and 200 GeV <= gluino mass <= 3000 GeV
c for squark production in the decoupling limit (large gluino mass)
c 200 GeV <= squark mass <= 3000 GeV
c and for stop-antistop production:
c 100 GeV <= stop mass <= 2500 GeV and stop_mass <= gluino mass
c (other SUSY parameters according to CMSSM benchmark
c point 40.2.5 as defined in arXiv:1109.3859.)
For the version 2.1 (8 TeV) they are:
c for gluino-pair production:
c 200 GeV <= gluino mass <= 2500 GeV and 200 GeV <= squark mass <= 4500 GeV,
c for gluino production in the decoupling limit (large squark mass)
c 200 GeV <= gluino_mass <= 2500 GeV
c for squark-gluino production:
c 200 GeV <= gluino mass <= 2500 GeV and 200 GeV <= squark mass <= 4500 GeV,
c for squark-antisquark and squark-pair production:
c 200 GeV <= squark mass <= 2500 GeV and 200 GeV <= gluino mass <= 2500 GeV
c for squark production in the decoupling limit (large gluino mass)
c 200 GeV <= squark mass <= 2500 GeV
c and for stop-antistop production:
c 100 GeV <= stop mass <= 2000 GeV and stop_mass <= gluino mass
c (other SUSY parameters according to CMSSM benchmark
c point 40.2.5 as defined in arXiv:1109.3859.)
and for the version 1.2 (7 TeV) they are:
c for gluino-pair production:
c 200 GeV <= gluino mass <= 1500 GeV and 200 GeV <= squark mass <= 4500 GeV,
c 1500 GeV < gluino mass <= 2000 GeV and 200 GeV <= squark mass <= 2000 GeV,
c for gluino production in the decoupling limit (large squark mass)
c 200 GeV <= gluino_mass <= 2000 GeV
c for squark-gluino production:
c 200 GeV <= gluino mass <= 1500 GeV and 200 GeV <= squark mass <= 3500 GeV,
c 1500 GeV < gluino mass <= 2000 GeV and 200 GeV <= squark mass <= 2000 GeV,
c for squark-antisquark and squark-pair production:
c 200 GeV <= squark mass <= 2000 GeV and 200 GeV <= gluino mass <= 2000 GeV,
c for squark production in the decoupling limit (large gluino mass)
c 200 GeV <= squark mass <= 2000 GeV
c for the sum of the four processes ('tot')
c 200 GeV <= squark mass <= 2000 GeV and 200 GeV <= gluino mass <= 2000 GeV,
c and for stop-antistop production:
c 100 GeV <= stop mass <= 1000 GeV (other SUSY parameters according to CMSSM benchmark
c point 40.2.4 as defined in arXiv:1109.3859.)
==== Sample output ====
# LHC @ 13 TeV, MSTW2008NLO (MSTW2008LO for LO)
# process: gg
# ms[GeV] mg[GeV] LO[pb] NLO[pb] NLL+NLO[pb] d_mu+[pb] d_mu-[pb] d_pdf+[%] d_pdf-[%] d_as+[%] d_as-[%] K_NLO K_NLL
1000. 1000. 0.136E+00 0.201E+00 0.220E+00 0.120E-01 -0.153E-01 9.3 -10.1 3.3 -3.5 1.48 1.09
==== Older Versions ====
===NLL-fast, version 2.0 (LHC @ 8 TeV)===
* main program: [[http://pauli.uni-muenster.de/~akule_01/nllfast/nllfast-2.0.f|nllfast-2.0.f]].
* grids for inclusive squark and gluino production and production of gluinos in the decoupling limit: [[http://pauli.uni-muenster.de/~akule_01/nllfast/nllfast-2.0grids.tar|nllfast-2.0grids.tar]].
===== Feedback =====
If you have questions/comments or want to report a problem regarding the code, please contact [[anna.kulesza@uni-muenster.de|Anna Kulesza]] or [[christoph.borschensky@kit.edu|Christoph Borschensky]].