The scope of the workshop, organized by Prof. U. Thiele (Institute of Theoretical Physics), Prof. A. Heuer (Institute of Physical Chemistry) and Dr. O. Kamps (Center for Nonlinear Science) is to foster the exchange of recent results and ideas related to the dynamics of and at interfaces and surfaces that are investigated in a variety of (interdisciplinary) fields in the natural sciences and applied mathematics. As in many cases the resulting structures result from spontaneous self-organisation, a specific aim is to identify universal features related to the nonlinear character of the underlying processes, to place the individual systems and phenomena into the wider context of the understanding of out-of-equilibrium phenomena. Ample opportunities for exchange (including discussions after each talk and a poster session) shall allow early-stage and distinguished scientists to discuss challenges and open problems across fields and to identify ways to coordinate future efforts. For more information about the workshop, see: