| Nuclear & particle physics
Nuclear & particle physics

Seminar on the theory of particles and fields

Summer semester 2020


Course number in the course overview: 110296

  • Organizers, organization & dates


    Dates & locations

    Seminar Wednesday, 10:00–12:00 KP/TP, seminar room 304
    Registration and preparatory meeting (via "Zoom", see below): Wednesday, 22.04.2020, 10:15

    IMPORTANT notice

    Due to the coronavirus pandemic and the associated regulations by the WWU, the seminar will (at least initially) be held as a "webinar" using the video conferencing tool "Zoom". The preparatory meeting on 22.04. at 10:15 a.m. will also already take place as a zoom meeting. The meeting URL/ID to participate in the pre-meeting can be requested via e-mail: heitger(at)uni-muenster.de.

    The literature as well as further advice concerning the preparation of the talks are made available via the LearnWeb.

    Registration and guidance

    Prof. Dr. J. Heitger

    ITP, Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 9, 48149 Münster, room 318
    Tel.: +49 251 83-34948, e-mail: heitger(at)uni-muenster.de

    Certificate of performance

    Presentation and regular participation.


    Quantum theory.

  • Contents & literature

    Deepening of quantum mechanics

    Topic for summer semester 2020
    Illustration of a superposition of quantum states
    © Uni MS/ITP

    As clear as the formalism of quantum mechanics is, as controversial are many of its fundamentals and interpretations even today. Some famous contributions towards this circle of problems, which are typically beyond the scope of course lectures, are to be trated: the EPR paradox, Bell’s inequalities, hidden parameters, the many-worlds theory, etc. Furthermore, mathematical and theoretical aspects as well as further interesting phenomena of quantum mechanics are dealt with, such as the path integral, the Casimir effect and the concept of supersymmetry.

    Topics are primarily given out to master’s students. A limited number of topics can possibly also be worked on by bachelor’s students.


    • G. Münster: Quantentheorie, de Gruyter, 2006
    • J.A. Wheeler, W.H. Zurek (eds.): Quantum Theory and Measurement, Princeton University Press, 1983
    • K. Baumann, R. Sexl (Hrsg.): Die Deutungen der Quantentheorie, Vieweg, 1984
    • G. Auletta: Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, World Scientific, 2000
    • F. Selleri: Die Debatte um die Quantentheorie, Vieweg, 1990
    • A. Rae: Quantenphysik: Illusion oder Realität, Reclam, 1996
    • D. Giulini et al. (eds.): Decoherence and the Appearance of a Classical World in Quantum Theory, Springer, 1996
    • R.P. Feynman, A.R. Hibbs: Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals, McGraw-Hill, 1965
    • L.S. Schulman: Techniques and Applications of Path Integration, John Wiley & Sons, 1981
    • G.-L. Ingold, A. Lambrecht, Casimir effect from a scattering approach, Am. J. Phys. 83 (2015) 156, arXiv:1404.6919 [quant-ph]
    • H. Kalka, G. Soff: Supersymmetrie, Teubner, 1997

    The literature is made available to the speakers via the LearnWeb. Further advice concerning complementary literature is given as part of the talk guidance.

  • Topics & schedule

    Date Topic Speaker
    22.04.2020 Preparatory meeting
    27.05.2020 Measurement process and the EPR paradox Nils Kulawiak
    10.06.2020 Bell's inequalities Julia Brysch
    17.06.2020 de Broglie-Bohm theory Jakob Ballmaier
    24.06.2020 Many-worlds theory Mats Kampshoff
    01.07.2020 Decoherence Willem Achtermann
    08.07.2020 The Casimir effect Johannes Pirsch
    15.07.2020 Quantum-mechanical path integral Fabio Stüber
    The Polaron
    Supersymmetric quantum mechanics