| Computational Physics
Computational Physics

Numerical solution of physical problems

Winter semester 2020/2021

Lecture with tutorials

Beginning of lecture period: 2 November 2020
End of lecture period: 12 February 2021

Course number in the course overview: 112283

Course on the LearnWeb


Prof. Dr. Jochen Heitger

ITP, Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 9, 48149 Münster, room 318
Tel.: +49 251 83-34948, e-mail: heitger(at)uni-muenster.de

Coordination of the tutorials:
M.Sc. Fabian Joswig
ITP, Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 9, 48149 Münster, room 411
Tel.: +49 251 83-34906, e-mail: f_josw01(at)uni-muenster.de


Tue., 14:15-15:00, IG 1, HS 3, start: Tue., 03.11.2020, 14:15 (upload of the slides of the first lecture)

Certificate of performance

Successfully solving and handing in problem/exercise sheets.

Special requirements

Course Introduction to scientific programming (summer semester 2020) from the module Computational Physics or comparable previous knowledge.


Monte Carlo integration and random numbers; solution of linear systems of equations and inversion of matrices (with phys. applications); eigenvalue problems (with phys. applications); ordinary and partial differential equations (with phys. applications); fast Fourier transform; Monte Carlo simulation using the example of the Ising model

IMPORTANT further information

Due to the coronavirus-induced change in procedure (digital teaching formats instead of the usual classroom teaching) and the shifting of the winter semester 2020, the following applies:

If you wish to participate in this event, please send a short e-mail to the coordinator of the exercises, Mr. Fabian Joswig ( f_josw01(at)uni-muenster.de ), with subject line by end of October
CP II: Participation and request for registration in the LearnWeb course
and your central WWU user ID. You will then be enrolled in the LearnWeb course by us as soon as possible. The distribution of the registered students to the exercise groups, which are also "virtual/digital", is then carried out via a fair distribution in the LearnWeb. The deadline and special information will be announced in time via the LearnWeb.

All lecture slides (as PDF and in a dubbed/recorded version), materials, exercise sheets and, if applicable, further information on the lecture will then be made available on the LearnWeb and can be viewed and/or downloaded there. Also the submission of the completed exercises (by uploading) and the return of the corrected solutions as well as further communication with tutors and lecturer, if applicable, are done via the LearnWeb.