Introduction to scientific programming
Lecture with tutorials
Course number in the course overview: 110281
Course on the LearnWeb
ITP, Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 9, 48149 Münster, room 318
Tel.: +49 251 83-34948, e-mail: heitger(at)
Coordination of the tutorials:
M.Sc. Fabian Joswig
ITP, Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 9, 48149 Münster, room 411
Tel.: +49 251 83-34906, e-mail: f_josw01(at)
Thu., 13:15-14:00, IG 1, HS 2, start: Thu., 23.04.2020, 13:15 (upload of the slides of the first lecture)
Certificate of performance
Successfully solving and handing in problem/exercise sheets and passing the exam.
It takes place on 16.07.2020, 13:00–15:00, in HS 1 of IG 1.
Fundamentals of computers, operating systems and programming languages; representation of numbers and machine accuracy; basics of programming in Fortran; transfer of physical problems into algorithmic forms; numerical solution of non-linear equations; numerical differentiation and integration; representation and modeling of data
IMPORTANT further information
Due to the coronavirus-induced change in procedure (digital teaching formats instead of the usual classroom teaching) and the shortening of the summer semester 2020, the following applies:
If you wish to participate in this event, please send a short e-mail to the coordinator of the exercises, Mr. Fabian Joswig ( f_josw01(at) ), with subject line until 20.4.
CP I: Participation and request for registration in the LearnWeb course
and your central WWU user ID. You will then be enrolled in the LearnWeb course by us as soon as possible. The distribution of the registered students to the exercise groups, which are also "virtual/digital", is then carried out via a fair distribution in the LearnWeb. The deadline and special information will be announced in time via the LearnWeb.
(Alternatively, you could also register for lectures and exercises in QISPOS/LSF right at the beginning of the first week of lectures, 20.04.2020, and would then receive the course password from us by e-mail to register for the corresponding LearnWeb course page, which is central for the further process. However, we strongly recommend the first procedure via directly contacting us to avoid time delays!)
All lecture slides (as PDF and in a dubbed version), materials, exercise sheets and, if applicable, further information on the lecture will then be made available on the LearnWeb and can be viewed and/or downloaded there. Also the submission of the completed exercises (by uploading) and the return of the corrected solutions as well as further communication with tutors and lecturer, if applicable, are done via the LearnWeb.