Lecturers, dates, organisation
Lecturers, Coordination
- Prof. Dr. Rudolf Bratschitsch | Physikalisches Institut | Room 210 | Tel. 33641 | E-Mail
- Prof. Dr. Uwe Thiele | Institut für Theoretische Physik | Room 315 | Tel. 34939 | E-Mail
- Dr. Lukas Ophaus | Institut für Theoretische Physik | Room 408 | Tel. 34915 | E-Mail
- M. Sc. Tobias Frohoff-Hülsmann | Institut für Theoretische Physik | Room 422 | Tel. 34914 | E-Mail
- Dr. Steffen Michaelis de Vasconcellos | Physikalisches Institut | Room 206 | Tel. 39100 | E-Mail
- Dr. Robert Schmidt | Physikalisches Institut | Room 207 | Tel. 36327 | E-Mail
Lecture dates
Mon., Wed., Thu., 10:00 - 12:00, lecture hall HS 2
For further information concerning "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics" and "Atomic and Molecular Physics" see Learnweb: AUQ-2020_1
Registration for the excercises as well as the division of the tutorials will be effected via Learnweb. The password will be sent via email.
Required coursework and examinations
For the successful completion of the module "Atomic and Quantum Physics" the following criteria have to be fulfilled:
- Required coursework (Admission to the written exam): 50% of the points of the weekly problems
- Written examination: 50% of the points, these yield the grade
Bonus points will be given for the presentation of solved problems in the tutorials.
Written examination
The written examination takes place on
Monday, 20th July 2020, 12 noon to 3 pm
Allowed utilities: 1 sheet DINA4 with handwritten notes. Mobile phones and smartphones are not to be carried - even if they are switched off.
Post-exam review: omitted due to the situation
Results: will be announced here
Exam resit: Monday, 21st September 2020, 12 noon to 3 pm
The rules are the same as for the written exam.
Post-exam review: t.b.a.
Results: will be announced here