- pro-physik.de, “The whole spectrum of physics”: the physics portal by the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) and WILEY-VCH.
- World of physics: Internet portal by the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) for everyone interested in physics.
- physics world: physics portal by the IoP with many links for physicists.
- PhysNet: A server with links to physics institutions and documents worldwide, and search functionality.
- Physics departments in Germany, from PhysNet.
- Physics conferences: Database of international physics conferences
- PhysLINK: Comprehensive information on research and teaching in physics.
- E-Print archive: Access to pre-print servers on all areas of physics.
- Our high-energy physics site contains some interesting links.
- WE-Heraeus-Stiftung with support programs which are very interesting for physics students.
- Physics Encyclopedia by Igor Ivanov
- Equations in Physics by J.C.A. Wevers
- Educational Websites:
- Solar System Collaboratory
- Physlets, a collection of Java applets about physics
- Hubble Space Telescope
- Astronomy Picture of the Day
- Bradfort Robotic Telescope: this telescope can (hopefully) be operated through the Internet.
- Life and work of A. Einstein
- Online exhibition about Werner Heisenberg
- The Nobel Prize Internet Archive
- On teaching mathematics, by V.I. Arnold