///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Solve IVP // x''+w²x = 0 , x(0)=0 // over the interval 0 #include #include "/usr/local/dislin/dislin.h" int main() { //-------------------------------------------------- metafl("PNG"); // output format setfil("aufgabe3_001.png"); // name of the output file scrmod("REVERS"); // reverse colors winsiz(1920,1080); // relosution of image file page(2970*2,2970);// define a plot size //---------------------------------------------------- disini(); //dislin initialisation float x = 0.0; // initial space point float x0 = 0.0; float v = 1; float v0 = 1; float t = 0.0; //initial time float h = 0.001; // time step float Tend = 63.0; //end of the time interval name("time","x"); //axis labels name("space","y"); hsymbl(10); // size of the symbol graf(0.0,Tend+1,0.0,10,-5,5,-5,1.0); // plots a two-dimensional axis system setrgb(0,0,1); // set blue color while ( t <= Tend ) { x0 = x; v0 = v; x = x0 + h * (v0); v = v0 + h * (-x0); t = t + h; setrgb(0,0,1); // set blue color rlsymb(21,t,x); // plot the symbol (t,x)one the plane } disfin(); //finish dislin printf("READY\n"); //print READY at the end of the program }