wissen.leben | WWU Münster 

Wintersemester 2012/13 

Introduction to Quantum Field Theory

Jun. Prof. Dr. Anna Kulesza




Di. 16:00-17:30

Do. 12:15-13:45

 HS 404, TP

 HS 404, TP

(Dr C. Yaguna)

Fr. 13:15-14:45

IG1 85
(Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10)


Die Vorlesung wird in englischer Sprache gehalten.



  • Relativistic Quantum Mechanics 
  • Elements of classical field theory
  • Scalar quantum field theory: free fields and interactions
  • Dirac fields and spin 1 fields
  • Scattering processes in QED
  • Loops and renormalization


Peskin, Schroeder: "An introduction to quantum field theory" (Addison-Wesley)
Ryder: "Quantum field theory" (Cambridge University Press)
Aitchison, Hey: "Gauge theories in particle physics" (IOP Publishing)
Srednicki: "Quantum field theory"  (Cambridge University Press)

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