wissen.leben | WWU Münster 

Quantenchromodynamik (SS 2015)

Sommersemester 2015

Jun. Prof. Dr. A. Kulesza, Dr. K. Kovarik


Vorlesungen / Übungen


Mo. 12 30 - 14 00

Fr. 12 15 - 13 45

KP 304

KP 404

Übungen Mo. 10 15 - 11 45 KP 304


Lecture contents:

- Quantumchromodynamics as a non-abelian QFT
- Regularization and renormalization in QCD
- Renormalization Group Equation and asymptotic freedom
- Positron-electron annihilation into hadrons: IR-safety and the KLN theorem
- Deep Inelastic Scattering: structure functions, PDFs and DGLAP equation
- Factorization in QCD
- Drell-Yan process at leading order and at higher orders
- Advanced topics in QCD


Problems for exercise classes & lecture materials



QCD specialized books & online sources

T. Muta: Foundations of Chromodynamics, World Scientific, 2010
Böhm, Denner, Joos: Gauge Theories of the Strong and Electroweak Interaction, Teubner Verlag, 2001
Ellis, Stirling, Weber: QCD and Collider Physics, Oxford University Press, 1996
CTEQ collaboration: Handbook on perturbative QCD

Other useful QFT references

QCD can also be found in books on Quantum Field Theory such as:

Peskin, Schroder: An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Perseus Books, 1995
G. Sterman: An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge University Press, 1993
T.Cheng, L.Li: Gauge Theory of elementary particle physics, Oxford University Press, 1988



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