Seminar EconoPhysics WS 98/99
Di 14.00-15.30, SR 303, TPI
Kontakt: K. Pinn, Rm 301, Tel. 83-34948, Chr. Specjalski, Rm 412, Tel.
Mehr und mehr Physiker wenden Methoden aus der Statistischen
Mechanik und anderen Gebieten der Physik auf die Modellierung ökonomischer
Probleme an. Anhand von Vorträgen über ausgewählte Originalarbeiten
soll ein Eindruck dieses interessanten Forschungsgebiets vermittelt werden.

``S&P 500 Index Exchange Floor''
13.10. Vorbesprechung, Themenvergabe
20.10. 1
1: Stable Marriage Problem (Christel Kamp), Skript
27.10. 2 ACE
2: Minority Game (Leo Groß)
03.11. 3 Portfolio-Optimierung
(Daniel Rudolph)
10.11. 4 ACE
3: LLS-Modell (Daniel Molenda)
17.11. 5 RISK
1: Binomialmodell für Optionspreise und Hedging (Andre Ewering), Skript
24.11. 6 RISK
2: Black-Scholes (Tobias Galla), Skript
, Folien
01.12. 7 RISK
3: Beyond Black-Scholes (Jörn Voigt), Folien
08.12. 8 RISK
4: Optionspreise mit Neuronalen Netzen (Jens Fischer), Skript
, Folien
15.12. 9 SCAL
1: Random Walks und alpha-stabile Verteilungen (Felix Zantow)
22.12. 10 SCAL 2: Statistische
Eigenschaften von Returns (Timo Kellmann, Roman Schmidt)
12.01. 11 SCAL 3: Modelle
für Markt-Returns (Martin Jansen)
19.01. 12 Booms and
Crashes (Andreas Schmitz)
26.01. 13 Gauge Theory
of Finance (Florian Heitger)
02.02. 14 Diskussion,
Kritik, Vorbesprechung für das nächste Semester
1) Stable Marriage Problem
Scaling Behavior in the Stable Marriage Problem, M.J. Omero et al., cond-mat/9708181
2) El Farol Bar-Problem und das Minority
Inductive Reasoning and Bounded Rationality (The El Farol Problem), W.B.
Arthur, html
Emergence of Cooperation and Organization in an Evolutionary Game, D. Challet,
Y.-C. Zhang, adap-org/9708006
Adaptive Competition, Market Efficiency, Phase Transitions and Spin-Glasses,
R. Savit, R. Manuca, R. Riolo, adap-org/9712006
On the Minority Game : Analytical and Numerical Studies, D. Challet,
Y.-C. Zhang, cond-mat/9805084
Vortrag im Forschungsseminar SS 98, J. Göttker-Schnetmann, K. Pinn
3) Portfolio-Optimierung
Optimal Lag in Dynamical Investments, Maurizio Serva, cond-mat/9810091
4) LLS-Modell
Microscopic Simulation of the Stock Market: the Effect of Microscopic Diversity,
M. Levy, H. Levy, S. Solomon, J. Phys. I (France) 5 (1995) 1087
The Complex Dynamics of a Simple Stock Market Model, Int. Journ. of High
Speed Computing 8 (1996) 93
5) Binomialmodell für Optionspreise und
Chapter 2 in: Financial Calculus, An introduction to derivative pricing,
M. Baxter, A. Rennie, Cambridge University Press (ca. 84 DM)
6) Black-Scholes
Options, Futures, and other Derivative Securities, J. Hull, Prentice Hall,
1989 (teuer)
The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives, P. Wilmott, S. Howison, J. Dewynne,
Cambridge University Press (ca. 50 DM)
Financial Calculus, An introduction to derivative pricing, M. Baxter, A.
Rennie, Cambridge University Press (ca. 84 DM)
7) Beyond Black-Scholes
The Black-Scholes option pricing problem in mathematical finance: generalization
and extensions for a large class of stochastic processes, J.P. Bouchaud,
D. Sornette, J. Phys. I France 4 (1994) 863
L. Mikheev, J. Phys. I France 5 (1995) 217 (Kommentar zu Bouchaud Sornette)
J.P. Bouchaud, J. Phys. I France 5 (1995) 219 (Antwort darauf)
Back to basics: historical option pricing revisited, J.P. Bouchaud,
M. Potters, cond-mat/9808206
8) Optionspreise mit Neuronalen Netzen
J.M. Hutchinson et al., A Nonparametric Approach to Pricing and Hedging
Securities Via Learning Networks, cbcl-publications.html
9) Grenzwertverteilungen
Anomalous Diffusion in Disordered Media: Statistical Mechanisms, Models
and Physical Applications, J.-P. Bouchaud, A. Georges, Phys. Rep.
195 (1990) 127
10) Statistische Eigenschaften von Returns
Inverse Cubic Law for the Distribution of Stock Price Variations, P. Gopikrishnan
et al., cond-mat/9803374
New Evidence for the power-law distribution of wealth, M. Levy, S. Solomon,
Physica A 242 (1997) 90
Volatility distribution in the S&P500 Stock Index, P. Cizeau et
11) Mikroskopische Marktmodelle und Skalenverhalten
Interacting Individuals Leading to Zipf's Law, M. Marsili, Y.-C. Zhang
, cond-mat/9801289
Multiplicative processes and power laws, D. Sornette, cond-mat/9708231
Stochastic Lotka-Volterra Systems of Competing Autocatalytic Agents
Lead Generically to Truncated Pareto Power Wealth Distribution, Truncated
Levy Distribution of Market Returns, Clustered Volatility, Booms and Crashes,
S. Solomon, Computational Finance 97, Sorin
Solomon's home page , Agay's
Scaling and Correlation in Financial Data, R. Cont, cond-mat/9705075
Scaling in stock market data: stable laws and beyond, R. Cont, M.
Potters, J.-P. Bouchaud, cond-mat/9705087
12) Booms and Crashes
Are Financial Crashes Predictable?, L. Laloux et al., cond-mat/9804111
Large financial crashes, Didier Sornette, Anders Johansen, cond-mat/9704127
Stock market crashes are outliers, A. Johansen, D. Sornette, cond-mat/9712005
Discrete scale invariance and complex dimensions, D. Sornette, cond-mat/9707012
Crashes as Critical Points, A. Johansen et al., cond-mat/9810071
13) Gauge Theory of Finance
papers of Ilinski and coworkers on (wird noch weiter ausgeführt)
The Econophysics Genoa Pages
Econophysics Forum Fribourg
Cont's Econophysics Site
Börsenspiel (
Computational Economics
Klaus Pinn
Christoph Specjalski
Daniel Rudolph
Florian Heitger
Christel Kamp
Tobias Galla
Timo Kellman
Jörn Voigt
Andre Ewering
Jens Fischer
Roman Schmidt
Martin Jansen
Daniel Molenda
Leo Groß
Felix Zantow
Andreas Schmitz
an alle
Letzte Änderung: 15.2.99