Diffusion phenomena in metals and compounds including multi-principal element alloys and compositionally-complex alloys
The prime focus is on the development of tracer/interdiffusion couple method to determine composition-dependent tracer diffusion coefficients in multi-component alloys. Further directions are: Nanocrystalline and ultra-fine grained materials; Molecular dynamic simulations of diffusion phenomena; Anomalously fast ionic conductivity of grain boundaries in superionic oxide films; Correlation factors in impurity diffusion in ordered intermetallics
short circuit diffusion in metals and alloys
Fundamental problems of grain boundary diffusion and segregation in metallic materials, especially in bicrystals with perfectly characterized grain boundaries, are here in the focus. The diffusion (mainly radiotracer) investigations are used as source of unique information on structure and thermodynamic state of internal interfaces in materials and their evolution with stress and strain.
impact of deformation on diffusion processes in materials
thermodynamics of grain boundary segregation
diffusion phenomena in as-cast and deformed bulk metallic glasses
Main focus is on diffusion properties of shear bands in metallic glasses and their relation to thermodynamic and mechanical properties of the glasses
Impact of external fields (magnetic / elastic ) on diffusion; diffusion under plastic deformation
Akademische Ausbildung
- Umhabilitation und Erteilung der Venia Legendi beim Institut für Materialphysik, Münster Universität
- Habilitation at Institute of Metal Physics (Kiev, Ukraine).
- High education at the Department of Problems in Physics and Engineering, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, Russia) (1987) Diploma thesis "Structural changes in metals introduced by a low-temperature hydrogen-helium plasma irradiation” (1990) PhD thesis "Computer Simulation of Texture Formation in Cubic Metals and Alloys under Rolling” and received doctors degree (Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics)
Beruflicher Werdegang
- permanent position at Institut für Materialphysik of the University of Münster as a head of isotope laboratory within the Professorship of Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wilde.
- visiting scientist at the Institut für Materialphysik of the University of Münster
- 1998 AvH Fellow (1998-2000) at the Institut für Materialphysik of the University of Münster
- (1987-1998) Work in the group of Prof. L.N. Larikov at IMPh,Kiev, Ukraine as Senior Research Scientist.
Laufende Projekte
- Korrelation der atomistischen Beschaffenheit von Korngrenzphasenumwandlungen mit ihren makroskopischen kinetischen Eigenschaften ( – )
Gefördertes Einzelprojekt: DFG - Sachbeihilfe/Einzelförderung | Förderkennzeichen: WI 1899/44-1; DI 1419/19-1 - Diffusion-diffusive Phasetransformationen in Alkalifeldspat ( – )
Gefördertes Einzelprojekt: DFG - Gemeinsame Antragstellung mit Österreich und Schweiz (D-A-CH) | Förderkennzeichen: DI 1419/18-1
- Korrelation der atomistischen Beschaffenheit von Korngrenzphasenumwandlungen mit ihren makroskopischen kinetischen Eigenschaften ( – )
Neueste Publikationen
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- High-Entropy Alloys: Diffusion In Encyclopedia of Materials: Metals and Alloys, edited by , 402–416. Münster: Elsevier, . doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-803581-8.11771-0.
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- . High-Entropy Alloys: Diffusion In Encyclopedia of Materials: Metals and Alloys, edited by , 1–15. Elsevier, . doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-803581-8.11771-0.
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