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- Martin Salinga and Matthias Wuttig. "Phase-change memories on a diet." Science 332.6029 (2011): 543-544.
- Dominic Lencer, Martin Salinga, and Matthias Wuttig. "Design Rules for Phase‐Change Materials in Data Storage Applications." Advanced Materials 23.18 (2011): 2030-2058.
- Dominic Lencer, et al. "A map for phase-change materials." Nature materials 7.12 (2008): 972-977.
- Matthias Wuttig and Martin Salinga. "Fast transformers." Nature materials 11.4 (2012): 270-271.
- Martin Salinga, et al. "Monatomic phase change memory." Nature materials 17.8 (2018): 681-685.
- Stephan Menzel, et al. "Physics of the switching kinetics in resistive memories." Advanced functional materials 25.40 (2015): 6306-6325.
- M. Wimmer and Martin Salinga. "The gradual nature of threshold switching." New Journal of Physics 16.11 (2014): 113044.
- Martin Salinga, et al. "Measurement of crystal growth velocity in a melt-quenched phase-change material." Nature communications 4.1 (2013): 1-8.