Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Institut für Kernphysik, Arbeitsgruppe Frekers |
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European European Research Project Contract Number ERBFMRXCT980196 |
High resolution tracking detectors for charged particles developed for high-energy particle physics, may also be applied in other fields like nuclear physics, solid state
physics, biology and medicine.
Our detector is made of capillaries
filled with liquid
scintillator and read out by an optoelectronic
chain with a Megapixel
charged coupled device (CCD) at its end. Two prototype setups of this
detector have been assembled at CERN in the wide band neutrino beam to study their
characteristics for possible applications in future neutrino physics
experiments (for example the wavelenght shifting fiber readout in
OPERA or NICE). They are placed in front of the CHORUS detector to make use
of the particle identification and tracking facilities of this detector.
One the prototype setup is working with an optoelectronic chain which
consists out of normal image intensifiers
coupled to an external CCD. In the
second setup an electron bombarded Megapixel CCD (EBCCD) is integrated in the tube and
backside illuminated. In order to have a maximum efficiency the CCD
is thinned down to a level of 10 microns.
The project has been accepted by the CERN-LHCC
committee and the TMR evaluation committee.
Münster |
Universität Münster |
FB Physik |
Kernphysik |
AG Frekers |
Forschung |
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