Responsible Instructors, Dates, Examinations
Responsible Instructors:
- Prof. Dr. Michael Rohlfing | Institut für Festkörpertheorie | Zi. 708 | Tel. 33640 | E-Mail |
- Lecture: Tue, Fri, 10-12, IG1 HS 2
- Exercises: Tue 14-16, Fr 12-14 and 13-15, various seminar rooms
- 1st written examination: Wed, 07.02.2018, 13-16, IG1 HS 1
- 2nd written examination: Thu, 05.04.2018, 09-12, IG1 HS 1
... see german version
Exercise groups
- Bachmann, Jim-Martin | Do 14-16 | KP 103
- Böckmann, Marcus | Do 14-16 | IG1 85
- Bröker, Stephan | Do 14-16 | KP 403
- Koch, Tobias | Do 14-16 | IG1 86
- Lettmann, Tobias | Do 14-16 | IG1 87
- Olthaus, Jan | Fr 1230-1400 | IG1 718
- Schwermann, Christian | Do 14-16 | IG1 88
- Thimm, Matthias | Do 14-16 | IG1 718
Exercises & Materials
- see german version
Content, Literature
- The mathematical framework of quantum mechanics, symmetries and conservation laws, postulates and measurement process, addition of angular momenta, spin-orbit coupling, approximation methods for time-independent and time-dependent problems, Fermi's golden rule, stationary scattering theory, second quantization, quantized radiation field and spontaneous emission, EPR-paradoxon, hidden variables and Bell's inequality
- Cohen-Tannoudji, B. Diu, F. Laloe: Quantenmechanik 1 + 2 (de Gruyter)
- W. Nolting: Grundkurs Theoretische Physik 5/1 + 5/2, Quantenmechanik (Springer)
- G. Münster: Quantentheorie (de Gruyter)
- T. Fließbach: Quantenmechanik (Lehrbuch zur Theoretischen Physik III) (Springer)
- P. Reineker, M. Schulz, B.M. Schulz: Theoretische Physik III + IV, Quantenmechanik 1 + 2 (Wiley-VCH)
- J.-L. Basdevant, J. Dalibard: Quantum Mechanics (Springer)
- F. Schwabl: Quantenmechanik (Springer)
- S. Gasiorowicz: Quantenphysik (Oldenbourg)