Atomic and Quantum physics - SS 2017

(Lectures and exercises)

Course number  118101, 118102

  • Responsible Instructors, Dates, Examinations

    Responsible Instructors:

    • Prof. Dr. Michael Rohlfing | Institut für Festkörpertheorie | Zi. 708 | Tel. 33640 | E-Mail |
    • Prof. Dr. Helmut Zacharias | Physikalisches Institut | Zi. 506 | Tel. 33609 | E-Mail |


    • Lecture: Mo, Wed, Thu, 10-12, IG1 HS 2
    • Exercises: Tue 08-10 and 12-14, Wed 08-10, various seminar rooms


    • 1st written examination: Tue, 01.08.2017  |  14-17  |  HS 1, HS 2  |
    • 2nd written examination: Wed, 04.10.2017  |  14-17  |  HS 1  |

  • Content, Literature


    • Quantum mechanics (wave packets, probabilistic interpretation, Schrödinger equation)
    • Particles in simple potentials
    • Harmonic oscillator (eigenvalues, eigenfunctions)
    • Hydrogen atom (angular momentum, radial wavefunctions, energy spectrum)
    • Atoms in electic and magnetic fields
    • Spins (phenomena, formal description)
    • Perturbation theory


    1. Cohen-Tannoudji, B. Diu, F. Laloe: Quantenmechanik 1 + 2 (de Gruyter)
    2. W. Nolting: Grundkurs Theoretische Physik 5/1 + 5/2, Quantenmechanik (Springer)
    3. G. Münster: Quantentheorie (de Gruyter)
    4. T. Fließbach: Quantenmechanik (Lehrbuch zur Theoretischen Physik III) (Springer)
    5. J.-L. Basdevant, J. Dalibard: Quantum Mechanics (Springer)
    6. F. Schwabl: Quantenmechanik (Springer)
    7. S. Gasiorowicz: Quantenphysik (Oldenbourg)

  • Exercise groups

    • Eich, Alexander  |  Tue 08-10  |  KP 103  |
    • Finger, Steffen  |  Tue 08-10  |  KP 104  |
    • Hartmann, Simon  |  Tue 08-10  |  KP 303  |
    • Kirchner, Johannes  |  Tue 08-10  |  KP 304  |
    • Lettmann, Tobias  |  Tue 08-10  |  IG1 718  |
    • Molitor, Magnus  |  Tue 08-10  |  IG1 85  |
    • Olthaus, Jan  |  Wed 08-10  |  IG1 86  |
    • Ophaus, Lukas  |  Tue 08-10  |  KP 403  |
    • Tabbert, Felix  |  Tue 12-14  |  IG1 718  |
    • Osthues, Helena  |  Wed 08-10  |  IG1 718  |

  • Exercises & Materials

    • see german version